Abstract | Car Klaudije (lat. Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) je 43. odlučio izvršiti invaziju na otok Britaniju. Klaudijeva invazija je za razliku od ranije Cezarove polučila veliki uspjeh, koji se nije vidio još od vremena cara Augusta. Kako bi se što detaljnije proučio tijek rimskog osvajanja Britanije rad prati reformu vojske koja je zaslužna za osvajanja, medicinu, strategije i logistiku kako bi čitateljima mnoge stvari prilikom čitanja ovog rada bile jasnije. Spominje se i Cezarov pokušaj osvajanja Britanije prije božanskog Klaudija, kako ga Tacit oslovljava. Rad prati osvajanja generala i guvernera poput Plautija, te najvećeg od njih svih – Agrikole, koji je prema pisanju svih antičkih autora osvojio Britaniju u cijelosti. Veliki protivnici rimskom osvajanju poput Karataka i Kalgaka (Caratacus, Calgacus) će također ostaviti svoj trag u ovome radu, kao i svi krvavi ratovi i pobune, poput Budikine. Zapadno Rimsko Carstvo je 410. godine zauvijek napustilo otok i provinciju Britaniju završavajući poglavlje rimske povijesti na tom otoku. |
Abstract (english) | The emperor Claudius (Latin: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) decided to invade the island of Britain in the year 43. Unlike Caesar's invasion, Claudius' invasion was a great success, the likes of which had not been seen since the time of Emperor Augustus. In order to study the course of the Roman conquest of Britain in as much detail as possible, the work follows the reform of the army, which is responsible for the conquests, medicine, strategies and logistics, so that many things will be clearer to the readers when reading this work. Caesar's attempt to conquer Britain before the divine Claudius, as Tacitus addresses him, is also mentioned. The work follows the conquests of generals and governors such as Plautius and the greatest of them all, Agricola. Who, according to the writings of all ancient authors, conquered Britain in its entirety. Great opponents of the Roman conquest, such as Caratacus and Calgacus, will also leave their mark in this work, as will all the bloody wars and rebellions, like Budika's. In 410, the Western Roman Empire left the island and the province of Britain forever, ending the chapter of Roman history on that island. |