Title Uzroci i tijek Prvog križarskog pohoda
Title (english) The causes and course of the First Crusade
Author Mateo Dragičević
Mentor Maurizio Levak (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Jurković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maurizio Levak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Doblanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Medieval Croatian and World History
Abstract Nesigurna feudalna Europa bila je poprište čestih lokalnih sukoba koji su bili rezultat slabe centralne vlasti, stanja gospodarstva i želje manjih plemića za vlastitom zemljom. Najčešći je zanat bio onaj ratnički koji je Crkvi, visokom plemstvu i seljaštvu stvarao egzistencijalne probleme. Suočena s tim problemom, Crkva gradi izvansvjetovni autoritet koji će joj pomoći kreirati političke i duhovne prilike u Europi. Paralelno, na Istoku buja ekspanzija Turaka Seldžuka koji prodiru iz središnje Azije te si pripajaju nekadašnja područja Bizantskog Carstva kojih se Bizant nije olako odrekao. Ubrzo su Seldžuci osvojili gotovo cijelu Malu Aziju. Odlučni otpor Turcima pruža car Roman IV. Diogen, koji doživljava katastrofalni poraz te sama prijestolnica Bizanta, Konstantinopol, postaje lagana meta. U Europi papa Urban II. pokušava zaustaviti sukobe putem mirovnih pokreta pod nazivom „Božji mir“ i „Božje primirje“, što mu relativno i uspijeva. Tijekom koncila u Piacenzi dolaze izaslanici bizantskog cara Aleksija Komnena koji mole zapadnu braću za pomoć u borbi protiv Turaka Seldžuka te zauzvrat nudi vjersko jedinstvo. Potaknut prijašnjim informacijama o zlostavljanjima kršćanskih hodočasnika od strane Seldžuka, Urban II. pronalazi rješenje za ujedinjavanje Europe protiv zajedničkog neprijatelja. Poziva sve velike europske feudalce u „Božji rat“ i oslobađanje Svete zemlje od nevjernika. Hodočašće, kakvim su ga nazivali, nije imalo te karakteristike. Pohod je obilježen osvajanjem mnogih gradova poput Nikeje, Edese, Antiohije, Mare i Jeruzalema, čime je pohod uspio. Međutim, bio je praćen masovnim krvoprolićem muslimana, židova i kršćana koji će dovesti do poremećaja vjerskih odnosa na Sredozemlju i daljnjih ratova u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) Insecure feudal Europe was the battlefield of frequent local conflicts that emerged as a result of the weak central authority, the state of the economy and aspirations of minor noblemen for their own land. The most common occupation was the military one, which among the Church, high nobility and peasantry created existential problems. Faced with that problem, the Church sets up absolute authority which will help create political and spiritual opportunities in Europe. At the same time on the East, the Seljuk Turks are expanding and penetrating from Central Asia and annexing the former areas of Byzantine Empire which Byzantine did not give up easily. Soon, the Seljuks conquer almost the whole Asia Minor. The last resistance against the Turks is provided by the emperor Roman IV Diogenes, who experiences a catastrophic defeat and the very capital of Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, becomes an easy target. In Europe, the Pope Urban II is trying to end the conflicts by means of peaceful movements known as “Peace of God” and “Truce of God” that only partly succeed. During the Council of Piacenza which Urban called himself, the delegates of Byzantine emperor Alexius Komnenos came to plead their western brothers for help in the battle against Seljuk Turks, and under that condition offer religion unity. Prompted by the preceding information about the abuse of Christian pilgrims by the Seljuks, Urban II finds the solution for unifying Europe against their common opponent. He calls all of the great European feudal lords to a “Holy war” and liberation of the Holy Land from the infidels. Pilgrimage, as they called it, did not have such characteristics. The march was marked by conquering many cities such as Nicaea, Edessa, Antioch, Ma’arra and Jerusalem and was thus successful. However, it was followed by the mass bloodshed of Muslims, Jews and Christians that will cause the disorder of religious relations in Mediterranean area and continuing wars in the future.
Urban II.
Keywords (english)
pope Urban II
Seljuk Turks
Byzantine Empire
emperor Alexius
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:320905
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-09-30 08:23:34