Abstract | Histri svojim prodorom na istarski poluotok, za sobom donose mnoge promjene, koje time označuju početak novoga razdoblja, odnosno željeznoga doba. Osim što su se naselili na gradinama, mjesto života domicilnog brončanodobnog stanovništva, unijeli su novu kulturu življenja. Prije svega značajna je promjena rituala pokapanja, od inhumacije pokojnika, u incineraciju tj. spaljivanje tijela pokojnika, te pohrane ostataka i pepela u grobne žare, koje su se zatim pokapale. Također je važno napomenuti stvaranje društvenih zajednica s aristokracijom i kraljem na čelu. Histri su razvili proizvodnju i trgovinu keramikom, bili su u doticaju s mnogim narodima i kulturama Mediterana, osim toga usavršili su obradu metalnih ruda. Značajan dio privrede činili su prije svega stočarstvo, poljoprivreda, lov i ribolov. Još jedna grana koju možemo smjestiti u gospodarstvo, bila je vrlo razvijena, a to je gusarstvo. Naime Histri su se poput svojih susjeda Liburna, s kojima su graničili na rijeci Raši, imali brodove nazvane serilija. Njima su pljačkali trgovačke brodove, i time dolazili u posjed vrijedne robe. Rimski su brodovi plovili duž istarske obale, zbog čega su bili česta meta pljačkanja, što je naposljetku uzrokovalo početak vojnih sukoba s Histrima, od kojih se najznačajniji odvio 178./177. god. pr. Kr. Takav slijed događaja označiti će kraj neovisnosti Histra, te njihovo uklopljavanje u rimsku sveru utjecaja, čime završava željezno doba Istre. Istra dobiva naziv prema Histrima, što je zasigurno najpoznatije nasljeđe toga vremena. |
Abstract (english) | When the Histri tribe penetrated the Istrian peninsula, they brought many innovations to the area, which would mark the beginning of a new era – the Iron Age. They inhabited hill-fort settlements, where the local bronze-age people had lived, but at the same time they introduced a new way of living. First of all, a major difference was the new burial ritual, interment was replaced with incineration, and the remains and ashes would be kept in urns which were then buried. It is also important to note the introduction of a social system with aristocracy and the king as the leader. The Histri developed ceramics production and trade and they maintained connection with many peoples and cultures of the Mediterranean. Furthermore, they advanced the iron ore production and processing. Major elements of their agriculture were the cultivation of animals and plants as well as hunting and fishing. Piracy could be considered as another branch of economy in which the Histri were very successful. Same as their neighbours on the Raša river, The Liburnians, they sailed in ships called the serilia. They would attack and rob ships of their valuable cargo. The Romans used to sail along the Istrian coastline and thus became a permanent target of the pirates. This fact would in the end lead to military combats between the Romans and The Histri with the most significant battle taking place in 178/177 B.C. This course of action would result in a loss of independence for the Histri as they fell under the Roman influence and ruling, which marked the end of the Iron Age in Istria. The peninsula was named after the Histri tribe and this remains the most significant memento of those ancient times. |