Abstract | Petar, ključna figura u povijesti obitelji Keglevića, bio je hrabar i lukav plemić koji je kombinacijom vojne karijere, stjecanja posjeda i visokih položaja u državnom aparatu, ali i bračne strategije omogućio sebi i svojim potomcima dobru egzistenciju. Vojnu karijeru započeo je 1513. u postrojbama vicebana Baćana, a nastavio ju je i kao visoki civilno-vojni dužnosnik kada je bio jajački ban (1520. – 1528.) i hrvatski ban (1538. – 1542.). Naslijedio je i sve očeve posjede od kojih je najznačajniji bio onaj u Bužimu i koji je pod svaku cijenu htio očuvati od Osmanlija i ostalih napasnika. U tome je i uspio, a ljubav prema Bužimu prenio je i na svoje sinove koji su se također borili da ga zaštite, nažalost, bezuspješno. Osim vojnom karijerom, on se trudio egzistenciju sebi i obitelji osigurati i stjecanjem posjeda. Bio je miljenik kralja Ludovika II. Jagelovića tako da mu je u nekoliko navrata za vjernu službu darivao i potvrđivao stečena vlastelinstva. No, često je i na silu htio zadobiti dijelove pa i čitava imanja koja mu nisu pripadala te je zbog toga bio u sporovima s njihovim vlasnicima, čak i sa samim kraljem. Takvo njegovo ponašanje, za razliku od Ludovika, nije tolerirao kralj Ferdinand. Umalo je, želeći se na prijevaran način domoći Čakovca i međimurskog vlastelinstva, ali i zbog loše procjene da će mu kralj u ime starih zasluga oprostiti neposluh, Petar ostao bez ičega. Potpuni kraljev oprost do kraja života nije dočekao te je umro pod zabranom slobodna kretanja i skrbništvom vlastitih sinova. Potrebno je ipak naglasiti da ga je do tada stalno stjecanje novih posjeda u raznim krajevima Hrvatske i Slavonije dovodilo i do toga da se svako malo morao uklopiti u novo okruženje i novi krug plemića. No, s obzirom na društveni status, položaje koje je obnašao i krug ljudi koji je privukao, Petru to nije predstavljalo problem. Na kraju valja napomenuti kako je Petar iznimnu brigu vodio i o svojim nasljednicima. Ostavio im je brojne posjede, omogućio im je izvrsno obrazovanje, stekao je ugled koji su i oni naslijedili. Ukratko rečeno, stvorio je sve preduvjete zbog kojih će Keglevići još dugo pripadati uskom krugu hrvatske aristokracije. |
Abstract (english) | Peter, a key figure in the history of the Keglevići family, was a brave and cunning nobleman who, through a combination of a military career, the acquisition of property and high positions in the state apparatus, as well as a marriage strategy, enabled himself and his descendants to have a good existence. He started his military career in 1513. in the troops of viceban Batthyany, and he continued it as a high civil-military official when there was the ban of Jajce (1520–1528) and the ban of Croatia (1538– 1542). He also inherited all his father's properties, the most important of which was the one in Bužim, which he wanted to preserve at all costs from the Ottomans and other invaders. He succeeded in this, and he passed on his love for Bužim to his sons, who also fought to protect it, unfortunately, without success. In addition to his military career, he tried to ensure the existence of himself and his family by acquiring property. He was a favorite of King Louis II. of Hungary, so that on several occasions he gave him gifts and confirmed acquired manors for faithful service. However, he often wanted to acquire parts and even entire estates that did not belong to him by force, and because of this he was in disputes with their owners, even with the King himself. His behavior, unlike Louis, was not tolerated by King Ferdinand. Almost, wanting to get Čakovec and the Međimurje manor in a fraudulent way, but also due to a bad assessment that the King would forgive his disobedience in the name of old merits, Peter was left with nothing. He did not receive the king's complete forgiveness until the end of his life and died unther the ban of free movement and uther the guardianship of his own sons. However, it is necessary to emphasize that until then, the constant acquisition of new properties in various parts of Croatia and Slavonia led him to the fact that he had to adapt every now and then to a new environment and a new circle of nobles. However, considering the social status, the positions he held and the circle of people he attracted, this was not a problem for Peter. Finally, it should be noted that Peter took exceptional care of his successors. He left them numerous properties, provided them with an excellent education, and gained a reputation that they also inherited. In short, he created all the prerequisites for which the Keglevići family will belong to the narrow circle of the Croatian aristocracy for a long time to come. |