Abstract | Crowdfunding se javio kao inovativni model prikupljanja sredstava za ostvarenje poslovnih i društvenih projekata putem donacija koje su uglavnom sastavljene od malih iznosa, a prikupljaju se od velikog broja ljudi. Dakle, da bi neka organizacija došla do ciljane publike od kojih će prikupiti sredstva potrebna joj je online platforma kao podrška koja će joj omogućiti da putem Interneta lakše dođe do većeg broja ljudi i do potrebnih sredstava za financiranje svojih projekata. Tražitelji sredstava postavljaju profile svojih projekata na online platforme koje im omogućuju donacije te se promoviraju putem društvenih mreža. Svako poduzeće koje se planira financirati putem ovakvih platformi mora biti svjesno da ukoliko projekt ne uspije mora vratiti donirana sredstva ili u slučaju uspjeha projekta isplatiti investitoru dogovoreni prinos na dobivenu donaciju. Skupno financiranje je odlična strategija kada su u pitanju start-up ovi. Start-up je mlada i inovativna kompanija ili poduzetnički projekt koji se tek razvija, često s ciljem da iskoristi novo tržište, tehnologiju ili poslovni model kako bi brzo rastao i ostvario konkurentske prednosti. Ove kompanije često započinju s ograničenim resursima, malim timom ljudi i velikim ambicijama da promijene industrije i društvo u cjelini. Ključne karakteristike start-upa uključuju: Inovacija: Start-upi su često sinonim za inovacije jer teže pružanju novih, jedinstvenih i inovativnih proizvoda ili usluga. Oni nastoje riješiti probleme ili zadovoljiti potrebe tržišta na način koji se razlikuje od postojećih igrača na tržištu. Zatim rast: Glavni cilj start-upa je postići brz i značajan rast, koji se često mjeri prema korisnicima, prihodima ili tržišnom udjelu. Ove tvrtke često ulože velike napore kako bi skalirale svoje poslovanje i proširile se na nova tržišta te rizik: Start-upi su povezani s visokim stupnjem rizika, jer njihovi osnivači obično ulaze u neistraženo područje, suočavajući se s neizvjesnošću oko prihvaćanja njihovih proizvoda ili usluga na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | Crowdfunding has emerged as an innovative fundraising model for achieving business and social projects through donations primarily composed of small amounts, collected from a large number of people. Therefore, for an organization to reach its target audience from whom it will gather funds, it needs an online platform as support, enabling it to easily reach a larger audience via the Internet and secure the necessary funds to finance its projects. Fund seekers set up profiles of their projects on online platforms that facilitate donations and promote them through social media. Every company planning to be funded through such platforms must be aware that in case the project fails, it must return the donated funds, or in the event of project success, pay the investor an agreed-upon return on the received donation. Crowdfunding is an excellent strategy, especially for start-ups. A start-up is a young and innovative company or entrepreneurial project that is in its early stages of development, often with the aim of leveraging a new market, technology, or business model to grow rapidly and gain competitive advantages. These companies typically begin with limited resources, a small team of people, and ambitious goals to change industries and society as a whole. Key characteristics of start-ups include:Innovation: Start-ups are often synonymous with innovation as they strive to provide new, unique, and innovative products or services. They aim to address market problems or meet needs in a way that differs from existing market players. Rapid Growth: The primary goal of start-ups is to achieve fast and significant growth, often measured by user base, revenue, or market share. These companies invest considerable efforts to scale their operations and expand into new markets. Risk: Start-ups are associated with a high level of risk since their founders typically venture into uncharted territory, facing uncertainty about the market acceptance of their products or services. In summary, a start-up represents a venture that holds the potential to disrupt industries, introduce novel solutions, and bring about transformative changes in the business landscape. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije) |