Title Infestacija ljušture kamenica Ostrea edulis (Linneaus, 1758) i Crassostrea (Magellana) gigas polihetom Polydora sp. na području Medulinskog zaljeva
Title (english) Infestation of the shell of the oysters Ostrea edulis (Linneaus, 1758) and Crassostrea (Magellana) gigas with the polychaete Polydora sp. in the Medulin Bay
Author Silvia Cukon
Mentor Ana Gavrilović (mentor)
Committee member Mauro Štifanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gavrilović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Emina Pustijanac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Natural Sciences) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Marine Science
Abstract U radu je proučavan utjecaj infestacije polihetama vrsta roda Polydora sp. na kvalitetu mesa i ljušture kod europske plosnate kamenice Ostrea edulis ( Linneaus, 1758) i pacifičke kamenice Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) iz Medulinskog zaljeva. Uzorci kamenica prikupljeni su nasumično na tri postaje duž Medulinskog zaljeva na različitim dubinama. Za učinkovitu ekstrahaciju poliheta kamenice su nakon morofometrijskih ispitivanja i inspekcije unutarnje ljušture stavljenje u 2M otopinu klorovodične kiseline kako bi se kvantificirao broj parazita za svaku kamenicu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da se većina kamenica iz Medulinskog zaljeva sa sve tri postaje s obzirom na kvalitetu mesa mogu svrstati u neklasificiranu kategoriju. S obzirom na stupanj oštećenja unutarnje ljušture, prevladavajuća kategorija bila je izvrstan za populacije divlje C.gigas i uzgojne O. edulis, dok je kod populacije divlje O. edulis zabilježena najveća varijabilnost kod oštećenja ljušture ispitivanih kamenica u uzorku, gdje 50 % kamenica spada u komercijalno neprihvatljivu III i IV kategoriju. Postotak kamenica s vidljivim oštećenjima na unutrašnjoj površini ljušture izazvanim polihetom roda Polydora iznosio je 100 % za uzgojne i divlje populacije O. edulis, dok je kod populacije C. gigas zabilježen postotak infestacije od 90 %. Vrijednosti Polydora indeksa kretale su se od 0.23 do 0.62 i znatno su se razlikovale između postaja. Minimalan utjecaj poliheta na kvalitetu ljušture zabilježen je kod populacije divlje C. gigas (PI=0.23), dok je maksimalan utjecaj na kvalitetu ljušture zabilježen kod divlje populacije O. edulis (PI=0.62). Srednji broj parazita između uzoraka kretao se od 4-15, dok je najveći zabilježeni broj poliheta u kamenici iznosio 28. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da kod kamenica u Medulinskom zaljevu infestacije polihetima roda Polydora nemaju značajan utjecaj na indeks mesa s obzirom na mali broj pronađenih poliheta u ljušturama te lošiji indeks mesa koji je prevladavao u svakom uzorku povezujemo sa sezonom mrijesta koja je bila u tijeku za vrijeme ovog istraživanja. Zabilježene su značajne razlike u indeksu mesa, vidljivim oštećenjima ljušture, PI i srednjem broju parazita između odabranih postaja što je moguća posljedica različitih hidrografskih obilježja na svakoj postaji. Prilikom istraživanja, uzgojne i divlje populacije O. edulis pokazivale su veću podložnost infestaciji polihetama roda Polydora naspram divlje populacije C. gigas.
Abstract (english) In this paper we studied the influence of polychaete infestation of the genus Polydora on the meat and shell quality of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (Linneaus, 1758) and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) sampled from Medulin Bay. Oyster samples were collected randomly at three stations and at different depths along the area of Medulin Bay. For the efficient extraction of polychaetes, after morphometric tests and inspection of the inner shell, the oysters were placed in a 2M solution of hydrochloric acid in order to quantitatively determine the degree of infestation for each oyster. The results of this research indicate that oysters from Medulin Bay in all three stations can be classified as the unclassified category in terms of meat quality. Considering the degree of damage to the inner shell, the wild C.gigas and cultured O. edulis populations were mostly classified as excellent, while the wild O. edulis population showed the greatest variability in shell damage between the tested oysters, where 50 % of the oysters belonged to commercial unacceptable III and IV category. The percentage of oysters with visible damage on the inner surface of the shell caused by the polychaete of the genus Polydora was determined at 100% for cultivated and wild populations of O. edulis, while a lower percentage of infestation was recorded for the population of C. gigas (90%). Polydora index values ranged from 0.23 to 0.62 and differed significantly between stations. The minimal impact of polychaetes on shell quality was recorded in the wild population of C. gigas (PI=0.23), while the maximum impact on shell quality was recorded in the wild population of O. edulis (PI=0.62). The average number of parasites between samples ranged from 4-15, while 28 was the highest recorded number of polychaetes in an oyster. The research determined that polychaete infestations of the genus Polydora do not have a significant effect on the meat index of oysters from Medulin Bay. Considering the small number of polychaetes found in the shells, and the poor meat index that prevailed in most samples, it was associated with the spawning season that was in progress during this research. Significant differences were recorded between the selected sampling stations regarding the meat index, visible shell damage, PI and mean number of parasites, which is a possible consequence of different hydrographic parameters present at each station. During the research, cultivated and wild populations of O. edulis showed greater susceptibility to infestations by species of the genus Polydora compared to the wild population of C. gigas.
morsko ribarstvo
Medulinski zaljev
Polydora sp.
Ostrea edulis
Crassostrea gigas
Polydora indeks
Indeks mesa
Keywords (english)
Sea fishing
Medulin Bay
Polydora sp.
Ostrea edulis
Crassostrea gigas
Polydora index
meat index
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:028025
Study programme Title: University Undergraduate Study Programme - Marine Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) znanosti o moru (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) znanosti o moru)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-20 12:33:59