Title Valorizacija rimske baštine u Istri
Title (english) Valorization of Roman heritage in Istria
Author Anamarija Franković
Mentor Marina Zgrablić (mentor)
Committee member Klara Buršić-Matijašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Zgrablić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Vojnović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Ancient History
Abstract Tema ovog Završnog rada je „Valorizacija rimske baštine u Istri“. Naglasak je na najvažnijim primjerima rimske baštine na Istarskom poluotoku, kao i njihovim osobitostima, valorizaciji i zaštiti te na samom pojmu baštine i materijalne baštine kao bitnim stavkama kulturnog identiteta neke države i važnosti upravljanja baštinom općenito. Republika Hrvatska se uvelike susreće sa problemom nedovoljne valorizacije spomeničkih objekata, koji su potom prepušteni propadanju ili s druge strane čak i prevelike eksploatacije nekih spomenika u turističke svrhe, gdje potom dolazi do zagađenja okoliša, namjerne devastacije baštine i slično. Zato je bitan educirani kadar, koji će se baviti valorizacijom neiskorištenih objekata i oporavkom onih previše iskorištenih. U ovom je radu također riječ o nekim segmentima rimske spomeničke baštine koji nisu dovoljno valorizirani, pa tako običan čovjek ne može shvatiti njihovu vrijednost.
Rimsko razdoblje u Istri vrlo je velik vremenski period. Za vrijeme njihove vladavine Istra je bila na vrhuncu svoje moći. Rimljani su Istru osim arhitektonski promijenili i kulturološki, donijeli su latinski jezik, modu, trgovinu i mnoge druge stvari. Materijalni ostatci, svjedoci su moći toga naroda koji je između ostalog, bio i najveća vojna sila toga vremena a tome najbolje svjedoči uništenje Nezakcija 177. g. pr. Kr. i formiranje novog grada na tom prostoru. Rimljani su osim arhitekture i ratovanja, voljeli i lagodan i raskošan život što dokazuju ostatci maritimne vile na Brijunima. Priče o raskošnim gozbama, prostorijama prekrivenim mramorom s pogledom na more, bude maštu svakog posjetitelja Nacionalnog Parka Brijuni i Arheološkog parka Vižula. Shodno tome, materijalna baština je neprocjenjivo bogatstvo, čiji gubitak ima dalekosežne negativne posljedice kako za sadašnje tako i buduće generacije.
Abstract (english) The theme of this Undergraduate thesis is "Valorization of Roman heritage in Istria". The emphasis is on the most important examples of Roman heritage on the Istrian peninsula as well as their uniqueness, valorization and protection and on the very concept of heritage and material heritage as important items of the cultural identity of an country as well as the importance of heritage management in general. Croatia is largely faced with the problem of insufficient valorization of monuments that are then left to decay or on the other hand, even overexploitation of some monuments for tourist purposes where environmental pollution, deliberate devastation of heritage appear. That is why educated personnel is important to deal with the valorization of unused objects and the recovery of those overused. This paper also deals with some segments of Roman monumental heritage that are not sufficiently valorized, so understanding of their value is hard.
The Roman period in Istria is a very long period of time. During their reign, Istria was at the height of its power. The Romans, in addition to architecturally, changed Istria culturally, brought Latin language, fashion, trading and many other things. Material remains are witnesses of the power of this nation, which, among other things, was the greatest military force of that time and this is best witnessed by the destruction of Nesactium in 177. B.C. and the establishment of a new city in this area. . In addition to architecture and warfare, the Romans are also known for a comfortable and luxurious life, as evidenced by the remains of a maritime villa on Brioni. The stories of luxurious feasts, rooms covered with marble overlooking the sea awake the imagination of every visitor to the Brioni National Park and the Vižula Archaeological Park. Consequently, material heritage is an inestimable wealth whose loss has far-reaching negative consequences for both present and future generations.
kulturni identitet
rimska materijalna baština
Keywords (english)
cultural identity
roman material heritage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:929156
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-29 11:05:25