Title Ruralni turizam u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Rural tourism in Croatia
Author Monica Puja
Mentor Aljoša Vitasović (mentor)
Committee member Branko Bogunović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2022-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Ruralni turizam obuhvaća turizam ruralnog područja sa svim aktivnostima koje
se kao dio ponude provode i realiziraju na tom području. Važnost, ljepota i sama bit
ruralnog turizma prezentirana je kroz godinama njegovanu i predstavljanu
poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i hrvatsku tradiciju. Značajan je čimbenik aktivacije i
održivog razvoja ruralnog područja koji nastoji očuvati svoju prepoznatljivost,
vrijednosti, običaje i okoliš. Održivi razvoj kontinentalnog turizma sinergija je između
potreba turista i domicilnog stanovništva uz istovremeno očuvanje prirodnih resursa i
u današnje vrijeme postaje odgovor masovnom turizmu i njegovoj neodrživosti.
Ruralna područja mogu udovoljiti sve većim zahtjevima turističke potražnje, pa se
tako sve više razvijaju specifični oblici kontinentalnog turizma: seoski turizam,
agroturizam, eno gastronomski, sportski, zdravstveni, vjerski, kulturni turizam. Razvoj
nove ponude obiteljskog smještaja u punom je jeku. Difuzni i integralni hoteli nova su
dimenzija turističke ponude u turizmu Hrvatske. Smještaj u kućanstvima predstavlja
gotovo polovicu ukupnih smještajnih kapaciteta u Hrvatskoj, stoga mu je potrebno
pridavati najviše pažnje. Stvaranje ovakve vrste smještaja donosi brojne prednosti za
samu destinaciju u kojoj se ono nalazi. Difuzni integralni hoteli potiču stvaranje novih
turističkih proizvoda u destinaciji, uključuju lokalno stanovništvo u cjelokupnu ponudu.
Nadalje, promoviraju destinaciju u kojoj se nalaze što omogućava suradnju sa
samom destinacijom. Zajednička promocija na tržištu značit će i za hotele i za
destinaciju smanjenje troškova. Iako je tehnologija rada ista i u difuznim i u
integralnim hotelima, oni se razlikuju po svojoj smještajnoj ponudi. Integralni hoteli
nude nešto moderniji smještaj, dok difuzni hoteli svoj smještaj nude u starim
povijesnim jezgrama grada ili starim kućama. Sve u svemu, ekološki odgovorno
poslovanje cilj je za oba hotela, a na turistima je odluka hoće li u objekte novije ili
starije gradnje. Ono što će zasigurno doprinijeti razvoju turizma Hrvatske
osmišljavanjem novih vrsta smještajnih kapaciteta je rast kvalitete same turističke
ponude, također tu je i rast popunjenosti ali i produljenje sezone. Udruživanjem
različitih vrsta objekata stvaraju se difuzni i integralni hoteli koji definitivno podižu
ukupnu razinu kvalitete obiteljskog smještaja u Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) Rural tourism includes rural tourism with all activities that are implemented and
implemented in that area as part of the offer. The importance, beauty and the very
essence of rural tourism has been presented through years of nurtured and
presented agricultural production and Croatian tradition. It is a significant factor in the
activation and sustainable development of rural areas that seeks to preserve its
recognizability, values, customs and environment. Sustainable development of
continental tourism is a synergy between the needs of tourists and the domicile
population while preserving natural resources and today is becoming a response to
mass tourism and its unsustainability. Rural areas can meet the growing demands of
tourist demand, so specific forms of continental tourism are increasingly developing:
rural tourism, agritourism, eno gastronomic, sports, health, religious, cultural tourism.
The development of a new offer of family accommodation is in full swing. Diffuse and
integral hotels are a new dimension of the tourist offer in Croatian tourism.
Accommodation in households represents almost half of the total accommodation
capacity in Croatia, so it needs the most attention. Creating this type of
accommodation brings many benefits to the destination in which it is located. Diffuse
integral hotels encourage the creation of new tourist products in the destination,
involving the local population in the overall offer. Furthermore, they promote the
destination in which they are located, which enables cooperation with the destination
itself. Joint market promotion will mean cost reduction for both the hotel and the
destination. Although the technology of work is the same in both diffuse and integral
hotels, they differ in their accommodation offer. Integral hotels offer somewhat more
modern accommodation, while diffuse hotels offer their accommodation in old historic
cores or old houses. All in all, environmentally responsible business is the goal for
both hotels, and it is up to tourists to decide whether to build newer or older buildings.
What will certainly contribute to the development of Croatian tourism by designing
new types of accommodation facilities is the growth of the quality of the tourist offer,
there is also an increase in occupancy but also the extension of the season. By
combining different types of facilities, diffuse and integral hotels are created, which
definitely raises the overall level of quality of family accommodation in Croatia.
ruralni turizam
ruralni razvoj
difuzni hoteli
održivi razvoj
Keywords (english)
rural tourism
rural development
diffuse hotels
sustainable development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:341079
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-11 13:09:37