Title Muzeji kao značajni objekti u turističkoj motivaciji
Title (english) Museums as important objects in tourist motivation
Author Dorotea Butković
Mentor Sanja Blažević (mentor)
Committee member Marija Bušelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Blažević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Department of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies) Pula
Defense date and country 2016-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Muzeji kao javne ustanove djeluju već više od dvije stotine godina i oduševljavaju posjetitelje svojim izložbama. Međutim, muzejska djelatnost nije uvijek bila samo ona izložbena, već se u skladu sa promjenama u trendovima potražnje i promjenama na turističkom tržištu, morala prilagoditi i implementirati nova znanja stečena iz novonastalih ekonomskih disciplina poput marketinga u muzeju i muzejskog upravljanja, odnosno menadžmenta.
Čak je i konačni muzejski output kroz vrijeme promijenio svoju svrhu, a ponekad i oblik u kojem se predstavlja javnosti. Pri tome se misli na oba podtipa: znanstveni proizvod i iskustvo posjetitelja. U oba se slučaja koriste moderne tehnologije poput virtualnih muzejskih izložbi ili pak uređaji koji posjetitelju omogućavaju da sam bira koje će dijelove izložbe vidjeti i na koji način – kao video uradak, niz fotografija ili samo audio snimka kustosa koji priča priču o specifičnoj temi. Dolazak muzejskog posjetitelja, kojeg smatramo i kulturnim turistom, na posjet muzeju potiču najprije unutarnje psihološke potrebe, na koje utječu razni motivi kao pokretač njegove motivacije. Motiva ima zaista mnogo, od jednostavne znatiželje, isplanirane posjete u sklopu posla ili škole pa sve do iskrene strasti prema proučavanju zbirki i izložaba.
Financiranje muzeja i cjelokupne muzejske djelatnosti vrši se ponajprije iz državnog proračuna, zatim javno-privatnim partnerstivma, donacijama, subvencijama i naposljetku, naplaćivanjem ulaznice. Upravo je takvo naplaćivanje posjete, prema nekim autorima kriterij kvalitete nekog muzeja, što je kasnije dokazano na primjeru istraživanja provedenog na razini hrvatskih muzeja. Kada je riječ o financiranju, za svaki poslovni objekt važan je i odabir jedne od strategija formiranja cijene. U slučaju muzeja, literatura je pokazala da postoje četiri: strategija cjenovnog pristupa, strategija integriteta, utilitaristička i idealistična strategija. Odabir jedne od spomenutih strategija vrši se na temelju tri ključna faktora:organizacijski troškovi, troškovi prema posjetitelju s obzirom na doživljenu vrijednost i ciljevi formiranja cijena temeljeni na socijalnim i obrazovnim misijama.
Abstract (english) Museums as public facilities are active for more than two hundred years now and they keep amazing the visitors with their exhibits. However, museum activity has not always been the one to exhibit the artifacts, but to adjust and implement new knowledge gathered from new economic disciplines such as marketing in museums and museum management according to the changes and trends in the demand and on the touristic market.
Even the museum's output has changed its purpose through time, sometimes even its shape in which it has been presented to the public. That is, both types of the final output had to succumb to change: the scientific output and the visitor's experience. In both cases, modern technologies have been used. For example the virtual museum exhibits or the equipment which allows the visitor to choose which parts and in what way he wants to see the exhibit – whether it is a video sketch, a range of photos or just an audio tape of the curator narrating the story. The arrival of the museum visitor, whom we find also a cultural tourist, is influenced firstly by his inner psychological needs, which are furthermore influenced by different motives as a trigger of his motivation. There are many motives, from a simple curiosity, planned visit as a part of the organised business or school trip, until the pure passion towards the studying of the artifacts and exhibitions.
Financing of the museums and the entire museum activity is done mostly from the governmental budget, then from public-private partnerships, donations, subventions and, finally, by collecting the money from the entrance ticket. It is actually this kind of financing that some authors consider the quality criteria, which has been proved in this work on the example of the research made in Croatian museums. When the argument of financing is brought up, for every business object it is of the utmost importance to choose one of the pricing strategies. In the case of the museums, there are four strategies: Access pricing Strategy, Integrity Strategy, Utilitarian strategy, and the Idealist Strategy. Choosing just one of the aforementioned is done by taking into account on of the three parameters: organisational costs towards the visitor considering the experienced value, and goals of pricing based on the social and educational missions.
muzejska djelatnost
muzejski output
financiranje muzeja
strategije formiranja cijene u muzejima
Keywords (english)
museum's activity
museum's output
museum financing
pricing strategies in museums
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:396497
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-10-17 10:11:53