Title Primjena internog marketinga u Zračnoj luci Pula
Title (english) Application of internal marketing at Pula Airport
Author Dalen Kozlevac
Mentor Erik Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2024-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Interni marketing predstavlja ključno područje suvremenog poslovanja koje se ističe kao neizostavan element u izgradnji jake korporativne kulture i unapređenju odnosa unutar organizacija. Suština internog marketinga usmjerena je na poboljšanje interakcija unutar same organizacije, pri čemu se zaposlenici smatraju prvim i najvažnijim 'kupcima' internih politika i praksi. Cilj internog marketinga je maksimalno potaknuti angažiranost i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika, što posljedično vodi prema ostvarivanju značajnih konkurentskih prednosti na tržištu. Modeli internog marketinga, poput Berryjevog i Grönroosovog, predstavljaju različite pristupe u primjeni ovog koncepta. Berryjev model stavlja naglasak na tretiranje zaposlenika kao kupaca, dok Grönroosov model naglašava svijest zaposlenika o potrebama kupaca i interaktivnom marketingu. U uslužnim djelatnostima, interni marketing igra ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju kvalitete usluge i zadovoljstva korisnika. Zaposlenici su glavni izvor konkurentske prednosti za uslužna poduzeća, jer njihovo znanje, vještine i motivacija direktno utječu na kvalitetu pruženih usluga. Ulaganje u zaposlenike kroz obrazovanje, motivaciju i nagrađivanje ključno je za postizanje visokih standarda usluge i dugoročnog uspjeha poduzeća. Izgradnja marke poslodavca postaje sve važnija u privlačenju i zadržavanju talentiranih zaposlenika, a njezina implementacija omogućava organizacijama da privuku najbolje talente i zadrže ih kroz stvaranje pozitivne radne atmosfere, pružajući im mogućnost za napredovanje i siguran posao. Rat za talente, koji se intenzivira u globaliziranom i digitaliziranom tržištu rada, zahtijeva od organizacija da razviju atraktivne vrijednosne ponude za zaposlenike i izgrade marku poslodavca. Upravljanje talentima obuhvaća akviziciju talenata, upravljanje radnim učinkom, obrazovanje i razvoj talenata kako bi se osigurala dugoročna konkurentnost i uspjeh. Primjena internog marketinga u Zračnoj luci Pula naglašava važnost interne komunikacije, edukacije i sustava nagrađivanja u osiguravanju visoke razine angažmana i lojalnosti zaposlenika. Kroz provođenje istraživanja zadovoljstva i angažmana zaposlenika, Zračna luka Pula dobila je uvid u stvarno stanje internog marketinga unutar tvrtke, što će omogućiti daljnje unapređenje poslovnih procesa i kvalitete usluga.
Abstract (english) Internal marketing is a key area of modern business that stands out as an indispensable element in building a strong corporate culture and improving relationships within organizations. The essence of internal marketing is aimed at improving interactions within the organization itself, whereby employees are considered the first and most important 'consumers' of internal policies and practices. The goal of internal marketing is to maximize employee engagement and satisfaction, which consequently leads to the achievement of significant competitive advantages on the market. Internal marketing models, such as Berry's and Grönroos', represent different approaches to the application of this concept. Berry's model emphasizes treating employees as customers, while Grönroos' model emphasizes employee awareness of customer needs and interactive marketing. In service industries, internal marketing plays a key role in ensuring service quality and customer satisfaction. Employees are the main source of competitive advantage for service companies, because their knowledge, skills and motivation directly affect the quality of the services provided. Investing in employees through education, motivation and rewards is key to achieving high standards of service and long-term success of the company. Building an employer brand is becoming increasingly important in attracting and retaining talented employees, and its implementation enables organizations to attract the best talents and retain them through the creation of a positive work atmosphere, providing them with the opportunity for advancement and job security. The war for talent, which is intensifying in a globalized and digitized labor market, requires organizations to develop attractive value propositions for employees and a strong employer brand. Talent management encompasses talent acquisition, performance management, education and talent development to ensure long-term competitiveness and success. The application of internal marketing at Pula Airport emphasizes the importance of internal communication, education and reward systems in ensuring a high level of employee engagement and loyalty. By conducting a survey of employee satisfaction and engagement, Pula Airport gained insight into the actual state of internal marketing within the company, which will enable further improvement of business processes and service quality.
Interni marketing
Izgradnja marke poslodavca
Rat za talente
Zračna luka Pula
Keywords (english)
Internal marketing
Employer branding
War for talent
Pula Airport
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:526048
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-16 19:09:37