Title Utjecaj filmske industrije na turizam
Title (english) The Impact of the Film Industry on Tourism
Author Michelle Mesarić
Mentor Mauro Dujmović (mentor)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Bogunović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Bliski odnos filma i turizma kreirao je tematski turizam – filmski turizam koji je trenutno
svjetski rastući fenomen, potaknut rastom industrije zabave i internacionalnih
putovanja. Filmski turizam definira se kao turistički posjet destinaciji ili određenoj
atrakciji kao rezultat pojavljivanja te destinacije ili atrakcije na televiziji, videu ili kino
platnu. Filmski turizam za svakog nudi nešto, diferenciran je, baš kao i film općenito.
Pridonosi povećanju broja turista u određenim destinacijama i to neizravno kroz
promotivne aktivnosti destinacijskih menadžment organizacija. U ovom radu pisalo se
o filmskom turizmu kroz filmske festivale i kroz utjecaj filmova na pojedine destinacije.
Filmski festivali su događaji koji prikazuju umjetnost filmskog stvaralaštva. Pružaju
platformu za filmaše, producente, glumce i druge profesionalce u filmskoj industriji da
izlože svoje radove raznolikoj publici, uključujući kritičare, poznavatelje industrije i širu
javnost. Na tim festivalima često se prikazuje niz filmova, od nezavisnih i kratkih
filmova do visokobudžetnih produkcija. Svake godine u svijetu se održava nekoliko
tisuća festivala, a svaki od njih ima svoje jedinstvene karakteristike, fokus i značaj
unutar globalne filmske industrije. Obrađeni festivali su bili festival u Veneciji, u
Cannesu, Torontu, Berlinu, Puli, Zagrebu, Splitu i Motovunu. Snimanjem filma u nekoj
destinaciji postoji mogućnost razvitka filmskog turizma. Primjeri takvih destinacija
obrađeni su u radu. Dubrovnik, Vis, Tajland, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo samo su neke od
destinacija koje su doživjele procvat filmom potaknutog turizma.
Abstract (english) Close relationship between film and tourism has created themed tourism – film tourism, which is currently a growing worldwide phenomen, fueled by the growth of the entertainment industry and international travel. Film tourism offers something for everyone, it is differentiated, just like film in general. It contributes to the increase in the number of tourists in certain destinations, indirectly through the promotional activities of destination management organizations. In this paper, it was written about film tourism through film festivals and through the influence of films on certain destinations. Film festivals are events that showcase the art of filmmaking. They provide a platform for filmamakers, producers, actors and other film industry professionals to showcase their work to a diverse audience, including critics, industry insiders and the general public. These festivals often feature a range of films, from independents and shorts to big – budget productions. Every year, several thousand festivals are held around the world and each of them has its own unique characteristics, focus and significance within the global film industry. The festivals covered in this paper were : Venice, Cannes, Toronto, Berlin, Pula, Zagreb, Split and Motovun. By shooting a film in a destination, there is always a possibility of developing film tourism. Examples of such destinations are discussed in this paper. Dubrovnik, Vis, Thailand, The United Kingdom are just some destinations that experienced a boom in film – inspired tourism.
filmska industrija
filmski turizam
filmski festival
Keywords (english)
film industry
film tourism
film festival
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:277380
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-11-29 11:15:07