@mastersthesis{unipu:7500, author = {{Iveta, Nives}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre kod trudnoća opterećenih preeklampsijom}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:7342, author = {{Lukadinović, Stjepan}}, title = {{Utjecaj pravilne prehrane na zdravlje trudnice i djeteta}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:6281, author = {{Korent, Katarina}}, title = {{Rani postoperativni tijek i zdravstvena njega rodilje nakon carskog reza}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:5510, author = {{Žudih, Ariana}}, title = {{Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka dojke}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:5155, author = {{Mikić, Marija}}, title = {{Porođaj u kolima hitne medicinske službe Istarske županije}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:5060, author = {{Varnica, Magdalena}}, title = {{Zbrinjavanje trudnice s gestacijskim dijabetesom}}, } @mastersthesis{unipu:5062, author = {{Tokić, Vinka}}, title = {{Zbrinjavanje trudnice s preeklampsijom i eklampsijom}}, } @article{medri:5847, author = {{Jašić, Mladen and Štifter, Sanja and Sindičić Dessardo, Nada and Rukavina, Koraljka Manestar and Mustać, Elvira and Belci, Dragan}}, title = {{The relationship between histologic chorioamnionitis and decidual macrophage polarization and their influence on outcomes of neonates born before the 32nd gestational week}}, } @article{medri:5427, author = {{Selovic, Alen and Belci, Dragan}}, title = {{Influence of distribution of mother’s abdominal body fat on first trimester fetal growth}}, } @article{medri:5861, author = {{Zoričić, Davor and Despot, Albert and Tikvica Luetić, Ana and Belci, Dragan and Bečić, Dino and Dimitrijević, Aleksandra}}, title = {{Three-dimensional reconstructed coronal plane in detection and differentiation of congenital uterine malformations}}, } @article{medri:4980, author = {{Petrović, Oleg and Belci, Dragan}}, title = {{A critical appraisal and potentially new conceptual approach to screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes}}, }