Sažetak | Lutka je djetetov najbolji prijatelj tijekom djetinjstva. Dijete ju samoinicijativno odabire kao autoritet kako bi lakše savladalo neku novu društvenu konvenciju, primjerice pravilo pristojnog ponašanja. Zbog toga lutka odraslima može biti dobar posrednik u komunikaciji s djetetom jer će ono svoje misli, želje i stavove izreći kroz igru s njom. Nadalje, lutka omogućava djetetu da doživi različite životne situacije te da o njima stekne svoje iskustvo. Lutka djetetu pomaže da senzibilizira svijet oko sebe tj. da vidi istu stvar s različitih stajališta te daje mogućnost prilagodbe na različite situacije. Stoga je lutka djeci izrazito zanimljiva jer ona je istovremeno prisutna u stvarnom i nestvarnom svijetu. Glavni dio ovog rada odnosi se na utjecaj lutke u razvoju djeteta. Istražuje se utjecaj lutke na djetetove emocije i reguliranje istih, izražavanje i prepoznavanje te razumijevanje emocija drugih. Lutka kao alat pomaže u zadovoljavanju dječjih potreba jer pomoću nje možemo saznati dječje interese i potencijale. Igra s lutkom djetetu gradi pozitivnu sliku o sebi i pomaže u stjecanju autonomije. Izradom lutaka, lutkarskih predstava i scenarija dijete je potaknuto na maštovitost, i stvaralaštvo. To se sve odvija u društvu odgojitelja ili druge djece pa se time grade i socijalne kompetencije djeteta. Vrlo značajna kompetencija svakog djeteta je jezično-govorna, koja se ističe pri djetetovoj igri s lutkom. Djetetovim progovaranjem kroz lutku na površinu izlaze njegove emocije, brige ili konflikti. Time lutka odgojitelju pomaže da sazna djetetove brige. Uz dobro osmišljen scenarij, djecu se kroz igru s lutkom može učiti upravljanju emocijama, učiti razumijevanju tuđih emocija te tako razviti vrlo važnu sposobnost empatije. Cilj provedenih aktivnosti s djecom u vrtiću bio je upoznavanje djetetovog unutarnjeg svijeta. Izrada lutaka koje su za djecu predstavljale njihove najbolje prijatelje služile su za razgovor djece o prijateljstvu. Kroz te aktivnosti neka su djeca izražavala svoje emocije stoga je aktivnost bila uspješna. Stoga, djetetovim progovaranjem o vlastitim emocijama kroz direktno ili indirektno prepričavanje događaja upoznajemo djetetov unutarnji svijet. Preporuka po zaključku rada jest da se lutka uključi u odgoj djece kao igra kroz koju djeca stječu temelje za kvalitetne odnose i prijateljstva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | During childhood, a puppet is a child’s best friend. A child self-selectively chooses the puppet as an authority to better overcome new social conventions, such as rules of decent behavior. Given that insight, a puppet can be a good communication mediator between adults and children because they express their thoughts, desires and attitudes through the act of playing with it. Furthermore, a puppet allows the child to experience different life situations and to gain personal experience. Through a puppet, a child can sensitize the world that’s around, and can see the same thing from different perspectives. Therefore, a puppet can develop a child’s ability to adapt to different situations. A puppet is extremely interesting to children because it is present in the real and unreal world at the same time. The main part of academic research in this thesis relates to the influence of puppets in the development of the child. By influence, the author refers to the influence of puppets on child’s emotions and the ability to control them, influence on expressing and recognition abilities, and least, the understanding of other people’s emotions. A puppet as a tool helps meeting children needs, because through it,one can discover their interests and hidden potentials. Playing with a puppet is important because it can help children building positive images of themselves and helps in gaining autonomy. By creating puppets, puppet performances and scenarios, children develop their imagination, and creative skills. All of this takes place in a kindergarten with other children, under the guidance of educators, with the final aim to build children’s social competences and skills. Linguistic-speech competence is a very important skill for every child, and it stands out through the activity of playing with a puppet. When a child is communicating through a puppet, emotions, worries or conflicts may come out on the surface. Through that, an educator can find out child’s anxieties that are projected through the puppet. With a well-conceived scenario, children can play with puppets and thus learn to regulate emotions, learn the understanding of other people’s emotions, and develop the ability of empathy. The aim of activities with children in the kindergarten during author’s research was to get familiar with the child's inner world. The goal of making puppets that represented children’s best friends was to get children to talk about friendship and its values. Through these activities, some children expressed their emotions, so the activity is considered successful, and the puppet turns out to be a great tool for insights to children’s emotions. The suggestion brought upon the conclusion of this academic research is following: in the upbringing of children in kindergartens, activities of playing with puppets should be obligatory as children through those activities set foundations for quality relationships and friendships. |