Sažetak | Elizabethan era began on November 17, 1558, with Elizabeth I's rise to the throne. It was a time of dramatic changes for England. Despite the initial challenges of financial instability, religious conflicts, and parliamentary disputes, young Elizabeth managed to resolve these issues. Simultaneously, she enhanced trade, the economy, and political affairs. The era saw remarkable changes brought on by factors such as religion, the Renaissance, and the printing press, which collectively improved the nation. England's reputation for religious tolerance and promising economic prospects attracted immigrants from all over Europe, although it caused some discomfort among the native English residents. Nevertheless, these immigrants had a profound influence on the English culture of the time, leaving a memorable impact. During the Elizabethan era, England underwent a significant transition from a feudal society, where most of the population lived in rural areas, to one facing the challenges of rapidly expanding, polluted cities. At the outset of the era, England's population reached over 3 million, a number that continued to grow despite considerable mortality rates. The devastating impact of the Black Death claimed the lives of about 20 per cent of the population. The cultural Renaissance that blossomed in England during this time can be primarily attributed to the European influence of the Renaissance. The mid-1500s witnessed a flourishing of literature, science, and the arts, with well-known playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare creating sophisticated drama. These profound changes served as the root of England's enduring status as a global power. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Elizabetinsko doba je započelo 17. studenog 1558. godine, kada je Elizabeta I. stupila na prijestolje. Bio je to početak jedne slavne ere čiji su početak obilježili financijski problemi i vjerski sukobi, kao i sukobi s parlamentom. Elizabeta je većinu tih problema riješila uz unaprjeđenje trgovine, gospodarstva i politike. Dramatične promjene vezane uz vjeru, renesansu i razvoj tiskarstva pridonijele su transformaciji nacije. Engleska je postala poznata po vjerskoj toleranciji i rastućem gospodarstvu, pa je tako privukla imigrante iz cijele Europe. Iako ih Englezi nisu voljeli, značajno su utjecali na elizabetinsku kulturu. U to vrijeme Engleska više nije bila feudalno društvo, ali je preko 90 posto ljudi živjelo u ruralnim područjima, dok su ostali živjeli u zagađenim gradovima. Početkom elizabetinske ere broj stanovnika je iznosio više od 3 milijuna. Unatoč visokoj stopi smrtnosti i činjenici da je crna kuga ubila 20 posto ljudi, broj stanovnika se redovito povećavao. Napredak u književnosti, znanosti i umjetnosti dogodio se zahvaljujući renesansi. Bilo je to razdoblje koje je utjecalo na sve zemlje u Europi tog vremena. Ostvarena su velika postignuća dolaskom renesanse u Englesku sredinom 15. stoljeća. Pisci poput Christophera Marlowea, Bena Jonsona i Williama Shakespearea napisali su neke od najutjecajnijih dramskih tekstova. Sve te promjene položile su temelj državi koja je do danas ostala svjetskom silom.The |