Abstract | Tijekom posljednjih 10- 20 godina na tržištu su se odvijale značajne promjene. Neke od najvažnijih promjena su demografske promjene, promjene glede stila života, te porast utjecaja supkulturnih skupina na društvo u cjelini. Upravo zbog takvih promjena ovaj diplomski rad odnosi se na važnost planiranja marketinških strategija prilikom komuniciranja s javnosti. Ovdje se govori o čimbenicima koji su važni za planiranje strategije komuniciranja kao što su ciljni segment, oglašavanje, promocija, sponzorstvo, unapređenje prodaje.
Marketinški planeri moraju prilagoditi strategije komuniciranja različito za svaki ciljni segment. Trendovi komuniciranja tijekom vremena mijenjaju se i prilagođavaju promjenama u društvu. Mediji su sredstvo koje povezuje komunikatora i javnost. U praksi je planiranje strategija komuniciranja vrlo zahtijevan posao, razlog tome su brojne promjene poput porasta složenosti medija, promjene na području strategija prodaje, veća dostupnost usluga i podataka i povećana prisutnost tehnologije u medijima. Medijski analitičari moraju biti svjesni tih promjena i utjecaja raznih čimbenika, te prilagoditi marketinški miks prilikom oglašavanja različitih vrsta usluga. Marketinški stručnjaci suočavaju se s brojnim pitanjima prilikom donošenja odluka, potrebno je definirati ciljni segment, te u skladu s tim odrediti medij kojim će najbolje iskomunicirati željenu poruku. Brojne promjene na tržištu dodatno su otežale taj posao. Razvoj medija nastavit će se odvijati i u budućnosti, ali koji je najbolji pristup komuniciranja u određenom trenutku može se saznati samo tijekom procesa komuniciranja s kupcima.
S pojavom Interneta utjecaj tradicionalnih masovnih medija sve više gubi značaj. TV, radio, novine i časopisi sve brže gube utjecaj na području masovnih medija. Predviđa se da je trend komuniciranja u budućnosti integrirana marketinška komunikacija. Kako bi se ostvario što bolji učinak komuniciranja, prilikom obraćanja ciljnom segmentu, koristit će se više medija zajedno koristeći pritom i postojeće baze podataka. Uspjeh marketinških komunikacija ovisi o brojnim čimbenicima uključujući prirodu poruke, pošiljatelja, javnost i okolinu u kojoj se poruka prima. |
Abstract (english) | The market has undergone basic changes in the past 10- 20 years. Among the most important changes in demographic characteristics, lifestyle trends and sub-cultural influences have been shifts in. This work, therefore, examines the important strategic decisions of planning the mass media strategy. All of the factors in campaign planning that are that are discussed in this work, targeting, advertising, promotion, publicity, sponsorship, events, sales promotion, message strategy have a bearing on media planning. The media planner must keep abreast of trends in advertising to factor them into the media strategy for a particular campaign. Some of these current trends are discusses in this work, whereas future trends are presented at the end of this work.
The media bring the communicator and audience together. In practice, planning media strategy is a complicated job. Certain trends- such as the increased complexity of media, changes in buying and selling methods, availability of services and media usage data, and growth of new media technology- have made this so. Media planning is very much part of marketing strategy. The media analyst must be concerned with such factors as marketing objectives, the characteristics of the service being advertised and the impact of promotion mix
on consumer´s behavior. The media plan itself is formed from the marketing inputs. Planners generally are concerned with a host of decisions areas, including the setting of media objectives defining target markets to match them with media vehicles, selecting media types, vehicles, and units, and establishing a media schedule, because they have direct impact on consumers services behavior. The mayor changes in almost all types of media have served to make them more complex.
The development of media models will continue in the future, but for such approaches to be useful, more must be learned about the media process itself. The appearance of Internet has pretty much exchanged the way of the impact of mass communications considering traditional media. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines are fluently loosing the importance they use to have in mass communications. Among the future trends in mass communications that bear on media strategy are the growth of single- source research companies, the use of integrated marketing communications, greater reliance on data base marketing to reach individual consumers, and greater focus on global advertising. Successful marketing communications depend on a number of factors, including the nature of the message, the audience´s interpretation of it, and the environment in which it is received. |