Abstract | Rad Komercijalna manipulacija uma nastao je iz jednog jedinog razloga, a to je istraživanje sebe putem svojih i tuđih životnih iskustva. Sama riječ manipulacija vuče jednu negativu konotaciju ako se upotrebljava isključivo u smislu manipuliranja na svoju korist i tuđu štetu. Svjedok sam i bijelih manipuliranja, ako postoje bijele laži onda bi takvo manipuliranje bilo dobrovoljno dopuštanje od druge strane, a sve u svrhu zadovoljstva onog zamišljenog putem ideje kako bi nešto trebalo biti ili doživjeti već uhodanim putem tuđih ili vlastitih iskustva, umjesto da se samo prepustimo realnoj slici onakvoj kakva je bez reklamnih dodataka. Koga interesira može saznati koje su mu granice ili ih samo podvući, u svakom slučaju možda živimo u masivnom ludilu šarenila, zabave, ekpresnih slava, instant zvjezdica, konzumerizma, skupljanja na kup od „igle do lokomotive“ , ali samo jedan mali preokret svjesnosti i slika dobiva novi značaj. Ono što je oduvijek bilo ovdje „ispred nosa“ sada se kristalno jasno razaznaje . Nema tu puno objašnjavanja, stvari su vrlo jednostavne da nisu opet bi se vrtili u onom istom ludilu s početka priče. Rad je podjeljen u šest cjelina koji počinje sa uvodom, funkcioniranje uma, kako do uma doći (zabaviti ga) putem medija, bajki do onih najmlađih pa sve do onih odgovornih za sigurnost cijele nacije, zatim što je manipulacija i njeni primjeri, o Nikoli Tesli i frekvencijama te kako utječu na okolinu, nas, te da smo i mi sami frekvencija neke vibracije. Peto poglavlje govori o ljudskoj najvećoj granici za korak naprijed, a to su raznorazni strahovi i fobije, te završavam rad s mislima koje su nematerijalne, ali iz njih nastaje materija, tako umjesto da um bude naš gospodar, mi putem svjesnosti i budnosti biramo i gospodarimo umom koje misli su dobrodošle i koje nam koriste, a one druge koje nisu praktične nam i onako ne trebaju. |
Abstract (english) | The final paper Commercial manipulation of mind was created for one single reason, and it is the study of 'self' through one's own and others' life experience. The very term manipulation has a negative connotation if it is used exclusively in the sense of manipulation for one's own good and to someone else's harm. I have witnessed white manipulations as well - if there exist white lies then the corresponding type of manipulation would refer to a willing acceptance from the other part, with the aim of the satisfaction of what has been imagined through the idea how something should be or should be experienced through the well-trodden path of one's own and other people's experience, instead of accepting the realistic picture as it is, without its commercial gloss. An individual who is interested, can find out their own limits or just become aware of them; in any case, we may live in a massive insanity of colour, entertainment, express fame, instant starlets, consumerism, hoarding whatnot, but only a tiny change of awareness gives the picture a new character. What had always been there, right in front of us, now is crystal clear. There is not much explanation, things are simple. If they were not, we would still wander in the same insanity from the beginning of the story. The paper is divided in six parts: the introduction, functioning of mind, how to entertain the mind through the media, fairytales for everyone from the youngest to those responsible for the nation's security, what is manipulation and its examples, Nikola Tesla and the frequencies and how they affect environment, us, and that we ourselves are frequency of a vibration, the fifth part talks about the major human limit to a step forward, e. g. various fears and phobias, and I conclude the paper with immaterial thoughts that create matter, so instead of the mind being our master, we control the mind, through awareness and being awakened, which thoughts are welcome and useful, and those that are not and we do not need them. |