Title Dinamika ubodnih incidenata u Općoj bolnici Pula
Title (english) Dynamics of stabbing incidents at Pula general hospital
Author Fatima Durmišević
Mentor Emina Pustijanac (mentor)
Mentor Igor Dobrača (sumentor)
Committee member Dijana Majstorović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Emina Pustijanac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božana Ilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty od Medicine) Pula
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Profesionalna ekspozicija podrazumijeva svaki kontakt zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih djelatnika s potencijalno kontaminiranim materijalom koji može sadržati patogene prenosive krvlju i koji se dogodi tijekom obavljanja profesionalne aktivnosti, unutar zdravstvene ustanove ili izvan nje, bilo u neposrednom radu s bolesnikom ili u kontaktu s njegovim tjelesnim tekućinama i tkivima. Zdravstveni djelatnici su svakodnevno izloženi riziku prijenosa patogena a najveći predstavljaju prijenos HBV-a, HCV-a i HIV-a. Primjenom pred-ekspozicijskih postupaka uključujući standardne mjera zaštite i cijepljenjem protiv hepatitisa B te post-ekspozicijskim postupcima koji uključuju HBV cijepljenje i docjepljivanje, HBV imunoglobuline i post-ekspozicijsku profilaksu HIV-a antiretrovirusnim lijekovima rizik od ekspozicijskih incidenata te krvlju prenosivih bolesti se uveliko mogu spriječiti i umanjiti. Cilj rada bio je istražiti učestalost ubodnih incidenata i njihovu dinamiku u Općoj bolnici Pula. Prikazane podatke koristili smo iz Opće bolnice Pula po dobivenoj suglasnosti Etičkog povjerenstva. U periodu od siječnja 2015. do prosinca 2019. godine zabilježeno je ukupno 146 ubodnih incidenata. Najveći broj incidenata zabilježen je tijekom jutra. Najveći broj, njih 44,5 % prijavile su medicinske sestre/tehničari. Rezultati pokazuju da su djelatnici sa radnim stažem do 5 godina prijavili najveći broj, čak 53. Po vrsti incidenta najveći broj prijavljen je kao ubod na iglu, 94 prijave istih od ukupnih 146. Ubodni incidenti su tema o kojoj svakako treba govoriti i raditi na smanjenju broja istih zbog posljedica do kojih mogu dovesti a to su psihičke, blaže tjelesne a u nekim slučajevima i teže tjelesne posljedice. Pomisao da netko zbog ubodnog incidenta oboli od hepatitisa B, hepatitisa C ili HIV-a bi svima u sustavu trebala biti motivacija da rade na unapređenju i rješavanju ovog problema Ustanova bi trebala otkrivati uzroke nastanka ubodnih incidenata i raditi na rješavanju, osigurati redovitu edukaciju osoblja, dovoljnu količinu uređaja sa zaštitnim mehanizmima, potreban broj zdravstvenog kadra kako bi se rad obavljao bez žurbe te ostale potrebne mjere u cilju prevencije ubodnih incidenata. S druge strane zdravstveni djelatnici dužni su prijaviti ubodni incident nadležnoj službi i timovima te se što je više moguće educirati i primjenjivati naučeno u praksi.
Abstract (english) Occupational exposure means any contact of healthcare and non-healthcare professionals with potentially contaminated material that may contain blood-borne pathogens and that occurs during occupational activity, inside or outside the healthcare facility, either in direct contact with the patient or in contact with body fluids and tissues. . Healthcare professionals are exposed to the risk of pathogen transmission on a daily basis, with HBV, HCV and HIV transmission being the largest. Pre-exposure procedures including standard protection measures and hepatitis B vaccination, as well as post-exposure procedures that include HBV vaccination and revaccination, HBV immunoglobulins and post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV with antiretroviral drugs, can greatly prevent the risk of exposure incidents and blood-borne diseases. and diminish. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of stabbing incidents and their dynamics in the General Hospital Pula. We used the presented data from the General Hospital Pula with the consent of the Ethics Committee. In the period from January 2015 to December 2019, a total of 146 stabbing incidents were recorded. The highest number of incidents was recorded during the morning. The largest number, 44.5%, were reported by nurses / technicians. The results show that employees with up to 5 years of service reported the largest number, as many as 53. By type of incident, the largest number was reported as a needle prick, 94 reports of the same out of a total of 146. Sting incidents are a topic that should be discussed their number due to the consequences they can lead to, which are psychological, milder physical and in some cases more severe physical consequences. The idea that someone gets hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV due to a stabbing incident should motivate everyone in the system to work on improving and solving this problem. a sufficient amount of devices with protective mechanisms, the required number of medical staff to perform the work without haste and other necessary measures to prevent stabbing incidents. On the other hand, health professionals are obliged to report the stabbing incident to the competent service and teams, and to educate themselves as much as possible and apply what they have learned in practice.
medicinska mikrobiologija
ubodni incidenti
zdravstveni djelatnici
infekcije prenosive krvlju
Keywords (english)
Medical microbiology
stabbing incidents
healthcare professionals
blood-borne infections
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:441691
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-21 10:35:19