Abstract | Prije, kad su ljudi dolazili jedni kod drugih u posjetu prvo što su pitali bilo je: „Kako ste?,
Kako zdravlje? ...“. Danas, kad nam dođe netko u posjet prvo što pitaju je: „Koja ti je šifra za
WiFi?“. Jesmo li se međusobno otuđili? Što nam predstavljaju društvene mreže te jesmo li s
istima pretjerali?, bavit ćemo se u ovom diplomskom radu. Na vječito pitanje starijih: „Zašto
stalno tipkaš na mobitel?“, možda nemamo odgovor, ali imamo praktična rješenja pojedinih
kreativaca. Možemo li, kad govorimo o WiFi tehnologiji, reći da je to jedna vrsta „moderne
ovisnosti“?, svakako da . Ovisnost je već jako dugo poznat problem s kojim se suočavaju
stručnjaci različitih profila. Moderno doba, doba napretka tehnologije, sa sobom nosi i nove
ovisnosti koje zaokupljaju pažnju današnjeg svijeta. Djeca i mladi, u zadnje vrijeme sve više i
odraslih, počeli su se otuđivati od vanjskog svijeta. Realnost im je postala apstraktna jer su u
digitalnom i nestvarnom pronašli „ono nešto“ što zaokuplja njihovu pažnju, ispunjava
slobodno vrijeme i dr. U ovom diplomskom radu prikazuju se pojmovi vezani uz WiFi
tehnologiju te što ona sve donosi. Kako se društvo modernizira, tako i škole prate najnovije
trendove, u ovom radu prikazuju se i Web 2.0 alati koji se mogu, i na koji način, koristiti u
razrednoj nastavi, utjecaj novih tehnologija na zdravlje djeteta, pozitivne strane korištenja
Interneta. Također se prikazuju i rezultati ankete koja je provedena u osnovnim školama, OŠ
„Mato Lovrak“ i OŠ „Ljudevita Gaja“ u Novoj Gradiški čiji je cilj bio ispitati koliko učenici
starosne dobi 5. i 8. razreda provode vremena online i koji su najčešći razlozi za to. |
Abstract (english) | Years ago, when people visited each other, the first thing they used to ask was, "How are you?
How's your health? ... ". Today, when someone visits us the first thing they ask is: "What is
your WiFi password?" Have we become strangers to each other? In this thesis we will deal
with the following questions: What do social networks represent to us and have we gone too
far with them? To the ever-repeating question of the elderly: "Why do you keep typing on
your cell phone?" we might not have the answer, but we have some practical solutions by
some creative individuals. Talking about the WiFi technology, can we say that it is a kind of a
"modern addiction"? The answer is: It certainly is. Addiction is a problem known for a very
long time, and experts in various fields of science deal with it. The modern era, the age of
advancing technology, brings along new addictions, which attract the attention of today's
world. Children and young people, lately more and more adults as well, have begun alienating
themselves from the outside world. For some of them the reality has become abstract, because
they have found something in the digital and unreal that gives them satisfaction, ful fills their
free time etc. This thesis will show all terms related to WiFi technology and what it brings to
us. As society modernizes, schools follow the latest trends, so this paper will display Web 2.0
tools, and how they can be, and in what manners, used in classroom teaching, the impact of
modern technologies on the health of the child, the positive aspects of Internet use. This thesis
will show how the WiFi technology affects health, as well as how children can benefit from
using the Internet. This thesis will also display the results of a survey carried out in primary
schools "Mato Lovrak" and "Ljudevit Gaj" in Nova Gradiška which purpose was to assay how
much time the students in the 5th and 8th grade spend online and why. |