Title Grad Karlovac i okolica u novom vijeku
Title (english) City of Karlovac and its surroundings in Early Modern Period
Author Ana Mikan
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Marija Mogorović Crljenko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihovil Dabo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Early Croatian and World History
Abstract Grad Karlovac od samog početka nastanka tvrđave, pa i prije njezinog nastanka, bio je sjecište prometnih pravaca od Jadranskog mora do unutrašnjosti. Nastankom Karlovačke tvrđave ona postaje glavno vojno uporište Vojne granice, uz tvrđavu obrambeni sustav činile su manje utvrde u okolici grada Karlovca koje potječu iz srednjovjekovnih vremena. Saborom u Brucku na Muri u ožujku 1578. ideja o gradnji tvrđave predstavljena je Hrvatskom saboru i donjoaustrijskom plemstvu. Mjesto gradnje tvrđave
... More nalazilo se podno utvrde Dubovac. Od samog početka problem napretka gradnje tvrđave bio je nedostatak radne snage, manjak financijskih sredstava i poplave koje će obilježiti razvoj tvrđave sve do 18. stoljeća, kada je modernom gradnjom uklonjena opasnost od poplava. Grad Karlovac, osim što je predstavljao snažno uporište, bio je središte trgovine i obrta, a prestankom osmanske opasnosti i tranzitno središte. Karlovac je od samog početka bio podvrgnut tuđinskoj vlasti, od samog početka Austrija i Mađarska upravljale su teritorijem Karlovca, kasnije su nakratko na vlasti bili Francuzi, zatim se na vlast ponovno vraća Austrija. Nakon prestanka osmanske opasnosti, Karlovac polako postaje važno središte znanosti, umjetnosti i kulture, u gradu su rođene mnoge važne ličnosti kulture, književnosti i umjetnosti poput Radoslava Lopašića, Dragojle Jarnević, Vjekoslava Karasa i mnogih drugih. Mogli bismo na kraju zaključiti kako je grad Karlovac nastao iz potrebe obrane Vojne granice, a kasnije se pretvorio u središte prometa, trgovine, kulture i umjetnosti. Less
Abstract (english) City of Karlovac from the very beginning of the fortress end even before its creation was the intersection of traffic routes from Adriatic Sea to the interior. With creation of Karlovac fortress, it became the military stronghold of Military Border, along with the defense system consisted of smaller fortifications in the vicinity of the town of Karlovac, which date back to medieval times. At the parlament in Bruck an der Muri n March 1578., the idea of buolding a fortress was
... More presented to the Croatian parlament and the nobility of Lower Austria. The place where tihe fortress was built was at the foot of the Dubovac fortress. From the very beginning of construction, problem of progress in the construction of fortress was the lack of manpower, lack of funds and floods that will mark tihe development of the fortress until the 18th century when modern construction eliminated the danger of floods. From very beginning the city of Karlovac was subject to foreign rule, from very beginning Austrian and Hungary ruled the territory of Karlovac, later they will be briefly replaced by the Franch government, but after that short period Austria came to power again. After the end of the Ottoman threat, Karlovac slowly became an important center of science, art, culture and literature, many important personaloties were born in tihe city such as Radosav Lopašić, Dragojla Jarnević, Vjekoslav Karas and many others. We could conclude that the city of Karlovac arose from the need to defend the border of Military Border, and later became a center of traffic, trade, culture and art. Less
Grad Karlovac
Karlovačka tvrđava
Keywords (english)
City of Karlovac
Karlovac fortress
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:646603
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-03 11:40:15