Title Upravljanje kvalitetom kao dio društvene odgovornosti turističke destinacije
Title (english) Quality management as part of the social responsibility of the tourist destination
Author Sandi Božac
Mentor Tea Golja (mentor)
Committee member Morena Paulišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tea Golja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sabina Lacmanovic (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-11-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turizam ništa manje od drugih gospodarskih djelatnosti treba kvalitetno i plansko upravljanje. Turističke se aktivnosti danas odvijaju na područjima turističkih destinacija u kojima se kombinacijom i suradnjom različitih dionika na turističkom tržištu stvaraju i nude turistički proizvodi. Cilj svake turističke destinacije je, poput cilja svakog poduzeća, biti konkurentan i uspješan na globalnom tržištu. Destinacijski menadžment daje nam odgovore na izazove i važnost povezivanja i suradnje svih dionika na turističkom tržištu. Kako se trendovi u turizmu ubrzano mijenjaju, u radu se opisuju i najnoviji trendovi s kojima se turističke destinacije suočavaju i prilagođavaju. Ako se jednom riječju mora opisati kakav turizam mora biti, onda bi to bilo održiv. Cilj destinacijskog menadžmenta je održivi razvoj i društvena odgovornost. Kvaliteta i društvena odgovornost danas su trend a brojne kompanije slijede ga te danas ponosno ističu zelene certifikate, standarde kvalitete i odgovornog poslovanja. Turizam je od velikog značaja za hrvatskog gospodarstvo i iako još uvelike prevladava masovni turizam te pasivni odmor, novi trendovi pristižu i u Hrvatsku. Turisti su sve obrazovaniji, više troše, traže dodatnu i raznovrsnu ponudu te doživljaj, za razliku od mira i opuštanja. Iako tržište može samo odgovoriti na neke od tih zahtjeva, za kvalitetno upravljanje turizmom nedostaje sustavne potpore. Sustav turističkih zajednica nedovoljna je podrška razvoju turizma i nedovoljno se brzo transformira u destinacijske menadžment organizacije. Privatni sektor mnogo je ažurniji, brojne turističke agencije postaju prave destinacijske menadžment kompanije, uvode Travelife certifikate, hoteli prate zelene trendove uvođenjem zelenih certifikata a šaroliko stanje u sektoru privatnih iznajmljivača uređuje se regionalnim standardima kvalitete.
Abstract (english) Tourism needs quality management and planning just as every other branch of economy. Today, tourist activities are being held in the areas called tourist destinations in which tourist products are created by cooperation among various stakeholders within the tourist market. The goal of every tourist destination is to be competitive and successful on the global market, just like of every other company. Destination management gives us the answer on challenges and importance of linking and collaboration between all the stakeholders on the tourist market. As tourism trends are changing rapidly, several tourism trends which tourist destinations are facing are shown in the thesis. If there is just one word to describe how tourism should be, that would be sustainable. The main goal of destination management is sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Quality and corporate social responsibility are trending and a lot of companies are proudly highlighting their green certificates, quality standards and corporate responsibility. Tourism has a huge importance for Croatian economy and despite mass tourism and passive vacation are still prevailing, new trends are coming in. Tourists are more educated, they spend more and are looking for varied activities and experience, not just peace and relaxation. Free market can respond to some of this trends by itself, but there is a lack of system support for a quality management. Tourist board system is not effective in order to support tourism development and is not being transformed enough fast towards the destination management organizations. Private sector is more agile, tourist agencies are becoming destination management companies and are implementing Travelife certificates, hotels are following green industry trends by implementing various certificates, and regional quality standards are making the order in a private accommodation market.
upravljanje kvalitetom
društvena odgovornost
turistička destinacija
Keywords (english)
quality management
social responsibility
a tourist destination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:317515
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-02-17 12:27:10