Title Imperijalizam i eksploatacija roblja u 18. i 19. stoljeću
Title (english) Imperialism and exploatation of slaves in the 18th and 19th centuries
Author Blanka Lozić
Mentor Slaven Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Mihovil Dabo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Milovan Delić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2017-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Imperijalizam nije proizvod suvremenog doba, njegov početak moguće je pratiti od prvih prekomorskih ekspedicija i prvih ofanziva u svrhu osvajanja stranog teritorija. Moć zemlje počinje se očitovati ne samo u vojnoj sili koju ona posjeduje, već i u akumulaciji kapitala koji je stjecala trgovinom. Upravo su ta područja, često netaknuta i bogata resursima, obećavala prosperitet njihovim kolonistima. Sirovine, drago kamenje, čajevi, kava, začini, pamuk i ostali traženi proizvodi pojavljuju se i preplavljuju svjetsku pozornicu. Nerazvijenost, nestabilna vlast i nemogućnost organizacije obrane, učinili su zemlje Trećeg svijeta lakim plijenom. U razdoblju 18. i 19. stoljeća Velika Britanija, Francuska, Nizozemska, Belgija, Portugal i Španjolska postaju akteri svjetske politike. Ekonomija i gospodarski napredak zemlje ovisio je o eksploataciji zaposjednutog područja. Afrika, Azija i Latinska Amerika postaju središte zbivanja, jezgra svih previranja i neprijateljstva industrijaliziranih europskih država. Kraj 19. stoljeća bilježi izrastanje novih sila, no njihovi politički planovi nisu se pretjerano razlikovali od modela i općeg svjetskog ozračja. U istom razdoblju započinje proces oslobađanja kolonija, prvih pobuna i građanski ratova izazvanih iskorištavanjem njihove radne snage i gospodarstva te pokušajem asimilacije i potiskivanja njihove kulture i nacionalnog identiteta. Iako se dekolonizacija odvijala još i za vrijeme 20. stoljeća, tijekom 19. stoljeća zabilježena su prva odcjepljenja i priznanja autonomije i suverenosti. Potrebno je spomenuti da je i dalje velik dio stranog teritorija pripadao zemljama kolonizatorima. Čini se opravdanim pitati, nije li Prvi svjetski rat samo kulminacija agresivne i beskrupulozne politike tih istih sila? Je li moderan svijet dovoljno sazreo da se zveckanje okova nikad ne ponovi ili će se prikloniti onom „Ipsa historia repetit "?
Abstract (english) Imperialism is not a product of the modern age, it is possible to follow the beginning of the first overseas expeditions and the first offensive swith the goal to counquer a foreign territory. The power of some country began to manifest itself not only in a military force that possessed, but also in the accumulation of capital which was acquired in trade. Those areas, often untouched and rich with resources, promised prosperity to their colonists. Raw materials, precious stones, teas, coffee, spices, cotton and other requested products appear and took over world stage. Underdevelopment, unstable government and the inability of the Organization of Defense made the countries of the third world with easy prey. In the 18th and 19th century Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and Spain became the main actors in the world politics. The economy and the economic progress of acountry depended on the exploitation of its possessed areas. Africa, Asia and Latin America became the centers of events, the core of all of the turmoil and hostility of the industrialized European countries. The end of the 19th century recorded a birth of new powers, but their political plans weren't much different than the model and the general atmosphere of the world. It was the same period when the process of liberation of the colonies began, as well as the first mutiny and civil wars caused by the exploitation of their labour force and the economy, and an attempt by the assimilation and the suppression of their culture and national identity. Although decolonization was still in progress during the 20th century, in the 19th century the first separations and recognitions of autonomy and sovereignty were recorded. It is important to mention that there is still a large part of a territory of foreign countries belonging to colonists. It seems justified to ask whether the first world war was just a culmination of an aggressive and unscrupulous policy of those same forces? Is the modern world mature enough so that the rattling of the chains never happens again, or will it defer to that "Ipsa historia repetit "?
Latinska Amerika
Keywords (english)
Latin America
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:329211
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-01-08 07:58:05