Title Interkulturalni pristup u obradi srednjoškolske lektire
Title (english) Intercultural approach in secondary reading
Author Anamaria Leskovar
Mentor Marko Ljubešić (mentor)
Committee member Boris Koroman (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ljubešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Jelača (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-10-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U radu se ppromišlja o interkulturalizmu kao temi koja je potrebna u odgoju i obrazovanju. Predstavljen je kurikulum s interkulturalnog stajališta, zatim predstavljeni su temeljni pojmovi i pristupi u interkulturalizmu. Interkulturalizam, a samim time i interkulturalno obrazovanje kao koncept izraţen je kroz mnoge definicije. Interkulturalno obrazovanje se temelji na općem cilju omogućavanja individui da se razvije kao društveno biće kroz život i suradnju s drugima, čime doprinosi dobrobiti društva. Ono je korisno za sve ljude bez obzira na njihov identitet, jer svi trebali naučiti kako živjeti unutar jednog i doprinositi evoluciji interkulturalnog društva. Također je potrebno što više razvijati osjećaj pripadnosti svojoj zajednici, ali i čovječanstvu u cjelini. Cilj je i poticanje ljudi da donesu razumne odluke i izbore kao i da aktivno djeluju na prevenciju i suzbijanje predrasuda i diskriminacije poštujući i cijeneći sličnosti i razlike. Osim toga, važno je omogućiti svakom pojedincu da zastupa samog sebe. Interkulturalizam ne podrazumijeva samo prisustvo, miješanje različitih kulturnih obrazaca, već mogućnost uspoređivanja ideja, mišljenja, poticanja na razmišljanje o razlikama etničke, religiozne, kognitivne, i druge prirode. Interkulturalizam također znači i pružanje mogućnosti suočavanja, komunikacije, razmijene vrijednosti i međusobnog upoznavanja različitosti, odnosno dijalog između tih kultura u kojemu su prisutni susret, međusobno uvažavanje i bogaćenje različitih kultura bez obzira na etničku veličinu osoba koje ih nose. U radu je to prikazano da određenim djelima, „Ciganin, ali najljepši“ i „Oblak boje kože“, koja predlaţem da se mogu uvesti na popis srednjoškolske lektire kao primjer interkulturalizma i različitosti kultura.
Abstract (english) This article reflects on interculturalism as a subject that is needed in education. It was introduced in the curriculum of the intercultural point of view, then presents the basic concepts and approaches to interculturalism. Interculturalism, and therefore intercultural education as a concept is expressed through many definitions. Intercultural education is based on the overall objective of enabling the individual to develop as a social being through life and cooperation with others, thus contributing to the welfare of society. It is useful for all people regardless of their identity, because everyone should learn how to live within one and contribute to the evolution of intercultural society. You need as much to develop a sense of belonging to their community, but also to humanity as a whole. The aim is to encourage people to make rational decisions and choices and to take action to prevent and combat prejudice and discrimination, respecting and appreciating similarities and differences. In addition, it is important to allow each individual to represent himself. Interculturalism does not mean only the presence, mixing different cultural patterns, but the possibility of comparing ideas, opinions, encourage thinking about the differences of ethnic, religious, cognitive, and other nature. Interculturalism also means providing opportunities facing, communication, exchange of values and mutual understanding of diversity, and dialogue between the cultures in which they are present meeting, mutual respect and enrichment of different cultures, regardless of ethnic size wearers. In this paper it is shown that certain actions, "Ciganin, ali najljepši“ and "Oblak boje kože", which suggest that may be introduced to the list of high school reading as an example of interculturalism and diversity of cultures.
odgoj i obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:846184
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (single major); specializations in: teaching track, general track Course: teaching track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-02-11 07:51:29