Abstract | Obrazovanje je kao i svaka grana kroz povijest doživjelo svoj napredak. Prije otvaranja
prvih škola, civilizacije su se učile pisati i pričati, a otvaranjem prvih škola obrazovanje
je postalo dostupno samo imućnima te isključivo muškarcima. Razvojem kroz povijest,
uvjeti su se poboljšali i obrazovanje je postalo dostupnije te su se uvele matematika i
ostali predmeti potrebni za razvoj djeteta.
Razvojem tehnologije unaprjeđivalo se i obrazovanje, pretežito u industrijskim
revolucijama osmišljanjem novih strojeva. Najveći se razvoj dogodio u 20. stoljeću
razvojem tehnologije. 1920. godine školstvu je predstavljen radio, 1930. uvedeni su
projektori, 1950. godine slušalica, fotokopirka 1959., ručni kalkulator i slično. Navedeni
uređaji doprinosili su obrazovanju, a neki i danas doprinose, no u doba današnjice
najveću pomoć u obrazovanju donosi umjetna inteligencija.
Umjetna inteligencija je dio računalne znanosti koja se bavi razvojem i osmišljavanjem
računalnih alata koji olakšavaju ili rade u potpunosti neke poslove koje je čovjek radio
te samim time unaprjeđuje rad i učenje. U inteligentne alate ubrajamo razne strojeve,
aplikacije i aparate. Područje umjetne inteligencije obuhvaća i strojno učenje i IOT
(internet of things). Polje umjetne inteligencije razvilo se u radionici fakulteta u SAD-u
1956. godine. Taj naziv dodijelio joj je John McCarty. U početku je korištena samo u
računalstvu te se kroz godine počela koristiti u obrazovanju i u humanističkim
znanostima. Danas se koristi u zdravstvu, bankarstvu, maloprodaji i sl.
Umjetna inteligencija u obrazovanju pridonijela je učenicima i profesorima.
Obrazovanje postaje svakim danom sve dostupnije i jednostavnije, profesori i učenici
lakše komuniciraju i imaju više interakcije. Učenicima je gradivo dostupnije i mogu ga
istraživati u bilo kojem trenutku. Učenje je postalo puno lakše i brže uz razne aplikacije,
virtualne mentore i sl. U obrazovanju UI se koristi strojnim učenjem, individualnim
učenjem, glasovnim pomoćnicima te raznim pametnim sadržajem. |
Abstract (english) | Education has, just like any other branch, expirienced its own progress throughout
history. Prior to openings of the first schools, civilizations have been learning
themselves how to write and read, and by opening the first schools education became
avaliable, but only to wealthy men. Development of the education has led to better
conditions and the education iteself became broadly avaliable. Mathematics and other
subjects necessary for child development have been inducted in schools.
With the development of technology education started to advance, mostly in industrial
revolutions by developing new machines. The biggest development took place in 20th
century. In 1920. radio was introduced to schools, in 1930. the projectors, around
1950. headphones, photocopying machine in 1959., also calculator and similar
devices. These devices contributed to education, and some still do, but nowadays
artifical intelligence has the biggest role in education, technologically speaking.
Artificial intelligence is a part of computer science that deals with the development of
computer tools that facilitate or fullfill some tasks that had used to be done by humans
and thus improve work and learning. Intelligent tools include various machines,
applications and appliances. The field of artificial intelligence includes both machine
learning and IOT (internet of things). The field of artificial intelligence developed in a
US college workshop in 1956. Artificial inteligence was named by John McCarty.
Initially, it had been used only in computer science, and over the years it began to be
used in education and similar fields. Today it is being used in healthcare, banking,
retail, etc.
AI in education has contributed to students and to professors. Education is becoming
more accessible and is simplyfing every day. Teacher to student communication is
becoming easier and more interactive. School tasks and lessons are becoming more
avaliable and can be explored anytime. With the help of many applications, virtual
mentors and similar, studying became quicker and easier. In education, artificial
intelligence is used through machine learning, individual learning, voice assistants and
various smart devices. |