Abstract | Grčka, iako mala, je država koja je danas poznata po dobro razvijenom turizmu, dok je ona zapravo imala jako burnu prošlost. Poznata su nam razdoblja iz grčke povijesti, a ono koje je zasigurno ostavilo dubok trag je helenizam. Aleksandar Veliki bio je jedan od najvažnijih i najpoznatijih osvajača tog doba. Veoma mlad, ali s velikim ambicijama pobjeđuje u mnogo bitaka i tako zauzima veliko područje. Gradovi koje je osnivao dobili su zajedničko ime Aleksandrija. Nakon osvojenog dijela istoka, za cilj si je postavio stvoriti novu prijestolnicu koja bi objedinila Grčku, Malu Aziju i Europu s istokom. Umro je vrlo mlad od groznice i cilj nije ostvario. Potom počinje helenističko radoblje koje je rezultat spoja između grčke i istočne kulture, tradicije i običaja. Grčki jezik je postao međunarodni, ljudi su lakše mogli komunicirati i jednostavnije su se razvijale ekonomija, gospodarstvo i kultura. Osim toga, ljudi su sve više počeli usavršavati svoje vještine pa je tako srednji sloj postao brojniji. Javlja se i nekoliko filozofskih škola koje su na svoj jedinstven način imale poglede na život, to su epikurejska, stoička i skeptička škola. Prve dvije su djelovale na suprotan način. Gradili su se hramovi u kojima su ljudi mogli čuvati novac, a oni su od toga ostvarivali prihod, dok se nije razvio bankarski sustav koji je preuzeo tu ulogu. Nastala je i velika potreba za kupnjom nekretnina kako bi se na neki način odužili bogovima, ali i kako bi određena građevina predstavljala bogatstvo svoga grada. Znanstvenici, arhitekti, umjetnici, filozofi bili su brojni. Svojim djelovanjem ostavili su prepoznatljiv trag helenističkog razdoblja. |
Abstract (english) | Despite the fact that Greece is a rather small country that is well known by tourism today, its history was very turbulent. The periods of Greek history are well known to us, and one of those that left a great mark in history was Helenism. Alexander The Great was one of the most important and the most famous conquerors of that time. Even though he was young, his ambition drove him to the conquest of a huge area. The cities he has founded were named Alexandria. After he had conquered part of the East, his goal was to establish a new capital that would unite the conquered areas of Greece, Asia Minor and Europe with East. He did not achieve his goals since he died of fever. As a result of his conquests the Helenistic period emerges which consists of elements from Greek and eastern cultures, tradition and customs. The Greek language became international meaning that people used it for communication what eased the development of economy and culture. The middle cast becam more numerous as a result of skills development. Philosophical schools with peculiar views of life have been established Epicureanism, Stoicism, Skepticism. The first two schools had complety opposed ways of teaching. The temples were built where people were able to deposit their money which was used to make some profit for the temples. This was the case until the first banks were established and took over this role. It was believed that possesion of the buildings was a way to express the respect to gods so many were built and bought, and also buildings represented the richness of one city. Scholars, architects, artists, philosophers were numerous at that time. With their teachings and work they have left a remarkable trace in a Helenistic period. |