Abstract | Dinastija Habsburg smatra se jednom od najstarijih dinastija na europskom tlu. Upravo iz te dinastije, nakon smrti posljednjeg muškog potomka, pomoću Pragmatičke sankcije na vlast je došla žena, Marija Terezija. Marija Terezija bila je sudionik problematičnog preuzimanja carske vlasti od strane vječnog neprijatelja Fridrika II. Gorljivi protivnik Marije Terezije želio je zauzeti habsburšku pokrajinu Šlesku, što je rezultiralo Ratom za austrijsko nasljeđe koji je trajao sedam godina. Dinastija Habsburg u navedenom ratu uz gubitak Šleske nije pretrpjela veće teritorijalne gubitke. U idućim poglavljima spominje se teritorij hrvatskih zemalja u 18. stoljeću koje su bile podijeljene mirovnim sporazumom, također spominje se kako je godine 1779. godine raspušteno i ukinuto Hrvatsko kraljevsko vijeće, a hrvatske županije i Riječko namjesništvo potpali su pod nadležnost Ugarskog namjesničkog vijeća. Daljnje reforme pridonijele su osnivanju Severinske županije, koja je obuhvaćala područje Zagrebačke županije južno od Kupe. Habsburška Monarhija željela je ponovno uključiti Slavoniju pod jurisdikciju Hrvatskog sabora i bana, no to nije bilo moguće jer je Slavonija bila izravno podređena Dvoru. Pitanje Slavonije u korist hrvatskih staleža riješeno je tek četrdesetih godina 18. stoljeća, kada je podijeljena na vojni i civilni dio. Zajednički sin Marije Terezije i Franje Stjepana Lotarinškog, Josip II., nakon smrti svoga oca, 1765. zajedno s majkom dijelio je vladarsku stolicu svega 15 godina. Taj period ostao je zapamćen u habsburškoj povijesti po jazu između dviju generacija. Rad govori o vanjskoj politici unutar koje je opisan Sedmogodišnji rat gdje je zbog gubitka Šleske (Fridrik II.) inicijativom Marije Terezije došlo do spajanja dviju suparničkih strana, francuskih Burbona i austrijskih Habsburgovaca. Unatoč uloženim naporima, Marija Terezija nije uspjela vratiti izgubljenu Šlesku. Do Prve podjele Poljske došlo je zbog nestabilnosti vlasti unutar Poljsko-Litvanske Unije i uplitanja susjednih država u njene državno-političke odnose. Također, u radu se spominje ženidbena politika kojom je Marija Terezija nastojala produbiti političke veze s moćnim silama. Marija Terezija je ustrojavanjem unutarnje politike uspješno zašla u sve sfere društvenoga života u Monarhiji, a najveći doprinos se da uočiti u reformiranju školstva. Reformiranje Banske Hrvatske kasnilo je nekoliko godina u odnosu na reforme koje su zahvatile razvijenije dijelove Monarhije, no u krajnjem rezultatu može se uočiti kako su uspješno izvedene. Nakon smrti Marije Terezije, na vlast dolazi njezin najstariji sin Josip II. koji je u vrlo kratkom vremenu donio niz reformi i odredaba, ali je većina na kraju njegove vladavine povučena. Josipa II. naslijedio je Leopold II. koji je čitavi život bio upućen u reforme Marije Terezije i Josipa II., te ih je kroz svoju vladavinu nastojao provoditi, no iznenadna smrt spriječila ga je u tom naumu. |
Abstract (english) | The Habsburg dynasty is considered to be one of the oldest dynasties on European soil. From that dynasty, after the death of the last male descendant, a woman Maria Theresa, came to power with the help of the Pragmatic sanction. Maria Theresa was a participant in the problematic takeover of imperial power by the eternal enemy Frederick II. An avid opponent of Maria Theresa, he wanted to take control over the Habsburg province of Silesia, which resulted in the War of the Austrian Succession, which lasted for seven years. In addition to the loss of Silesia, the Habsburg dynasty did not suffer major territorial losses in the said war. In the following chapters, the territory of the Croatian lands is mentioned, which was divided by a peace agreement in the 18th century, it is also mentioned that in 1779 the Croatian Royal Council was dissolved and abolished, and the Croatian counties along with the Rijeka Governorate fell under the jurisdiction of the Hungarian Governorate Council. Further reforms contributed to the establishment of Severin County, which included the area of Zagreb County south of Kupa. The Habsburg Monarchy wanted to re-include Slavonia under the jurisdiction of the Croatian Parliament and the Ban, but this was not possible because Slavonia was directly subordinate to the Court. The issue of Slavonia in favor of the Croatian classes was resolved only in the forties of the 18th century, when it was divided into a military and the civilian part. The joint son of Maria Theresa and Francis Stephen of Lorraine, Joseph II., after the death of his father in 1765 shared the throne with his mother for only 15 years. That period was remembered in Habsburg history for the gap between the two generations. The paper also touches the subject on foreign policy, in which the Seven Years' War is described, where due to the loss of Silesia (Frederick II.) at the initiative of Maria Theresa, the two rival parties, the French Bourbons and the Austrian Habsburgs, joined together. Despite her efforts, Maria Theresa was unable to return the lost Silesia. The First Partition of Poland was caused by the instability of the authorities within the Polish-Lithuanian Union and the interference of neighboring states in its state-political relations. Furthermore, the paper mentions the marriage policy by which Maria Theresa tried to deepen political ties with powerful forces. Maria Theresa successfully entered all spheres of social life in the Monarchy by organizing internal politics, and the biggest contribution can be seen in the reform of the school system. The reformation of Banska Croatia was several years late compared to the reforms that affected the more developed parts of the Monarchy, but in the end result it can be seen that they were successfully carried out. After the death of Maria Theresa, her eldest son Joseph II. came to power, he brought a series of reforms and directives in a very short time, but most of them were withdrawn at the end of his reign. Joseph II. was succeeded by Leopold II. who was familiar with the reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. throughout his life and tried to implement them throughout his reign, but his sudden death prevented him from doing so. |