Title Inovativni trendovi restoraterstva u suvremenom ugostiteljstvu
Title (english) Innovative trends of restaurant business in hospitality industry
Author David Baćac
Mentor Tamara Floričić (mentor)
Committee member Aljoša Vitasović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Floričić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mauro Dujmović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2024-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Inovacije te razni inovativni trendovi u velikoj su mjeri pridonosili, te i dalje pridonose snažnijem i učestalijem razvitku turizma u kompletu te ostalih djelatnosti koje čine isti. Konstantan rad na usavršavanju odvijanja određenih djelatnosti unutar turizma doprinose većim novitetima na turističkom tržištu te samim time povećavaju opseg proizvoda i usluga koje se nude turistu, dok se turist osjeća vrjednije i bitnije u cjelokupnom procesu.
Današnjem je turistu bitno da za vrijednost novca dobije maksimalan mogući obujam usluge, te najbolji mogući tretman. Radi brzog i tranzitnog vremena u kojem se danas odvija turizam, djelatnosti na određenim poljima praktički nemaju pravo na greške, iz razloga što je konkurencija nikad veća, a turist nikad osvješteniji nego što je danas, stoga poduzeća moraju težiti ka pružanju nekakvog jedinstvenog doživljaja, kako ga ne bi zamijenio konkurent sličnom ponudom.
Inovacije su konstantne na tržištu te se svakodnevno razmatra o novima za maksimizaciju poslovanja. Ne realno je za očekivati da će se svaka ideja inovacije implementirati u poslovanje poduzeća ili organizacije, no ne smije se niti desiti da ih fali. Turizam se tako jako dobro našao u simbiozi sa inovacijama te inovativnim trendovima, jer konstantan razvoj inovacija stvara i konstantnu želju turista za micanjem od rutine i ustajalih procesa, što uvelike odgovara turističkim subjektima radi testiranja novih procesa i proizvoda od kojih možda neki, okrenu kompletno poslovanje na bolje.
Radi velike tehnološke osviještenosti današnjeg turista, tehnološke inovacije došle su kao zanimljiva opreka ponekim zastarjelim oblicima turizma, te iste oblikuju turizam u drugom smjeru. Što se ostalih djelatnosti turizma tiče, u slučaju ovoga rada restoraterstva, inovacije su dobrodošle te su implementacije nekih već normala, no restoraterstvo, za razliku od hotelijerstva za primjer, i dalje pretežito funkcionira na onaj klasičan način, bez pretjeranih tehnoloških inovacija koje se ubacuju u proces poslovanja. Restoraterstvo prati inovacijske trendove no sa velikom dozom opreza te nekakvom granicom korištenja istih, jer je i dalje ljudima najvažnija hrana i socijalizacija, više nego tehnološka opremljenost, što se vidjelo iz gore navedenog istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Innovations and various innovative trends contributed to a large extent, and continue to
contribute to the stronger and more frequent development of tourism as a whole and other
activities that make it up. Constant work on improving the performance of certain activities
within tourism contributes to greater novelties on the tourist market and thus increases the
range of products and services offered to the tourist, while the tourist feels more valuable and
important in the overall process.
It is important for today's tourist to get the maximum possible volume of service and the best
possible treatment for the value of money. Because of the fast and transit time in which
tourism takes place today, activities in certain fields practically have no right to make
mistakes, for the reason that the competition has never been greater, and the tourist has never
been more aware than it is today, therefore companies must strive to provide some kind of
unique experience, as it would not be replaced by a competitor with a similar offer.
Innovations are constant on the market, and new ones are considered daily to maximize
business. It is not realistic to expect that every innovation idea will be implemented in the
operations of a company or organization, but it must not even happen that they are lacking.
Tourism has found itself very well in symbiosis with innovations and innovative trends,
because the constant development of innovations creates a constant desire of tourists to move
away from routine and stale processes, which is very suitable for tourist entities in order to
test new processes and products, some of which may turn the entire business for the better.
Due to the great technological awareness of today's tourists, technological innovations have
come as an interesting opposition to some outdated forms of tourism, and they are shaping
tourism in a different direction. As far as other tourism activities are concerned, in the case of
the work of the restaurateur, innovations are welcome and the implementation of some is
already normal, but the restaurateur, unlike the hotel industry, for example, still
predominantly functions in the classic way, without excessive technological innovations that
are inserted into business process. Restaurateurs follow innovation trends, but with a great
deal of caution and some sort of limit to their use, because food and socialization are still
most important to people, more than technological equipment, as was seen from the above
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:553080
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2024-09-24 10:34:45