Sažetak | Pula je jedan od rijetkih primjera antičkoga grada koji je suprotan uobičajenom ortogonalnom primjeru planiranja antičkoga rimskog grada. Puljske ulice su bile nekada točno određene prema unaprijed zacrtanih shemama, gdje su austrijski časnici, za vrijeme austrougarske vladavine za sebe gradili prekrasne vile na području grada Pule i okolice. Jedna se nizala uz drugu, boravili su u Domu hrvatskih branitelja gdje je nekada bio casino, tamo se skupljala gradska elita te su se u slobodno vrijeme zabavljali. Na današnjim Giardinima i blizu Istarskog kazališta vozili su tramvaji. Na puljskim brežuljcima gradile su se vile, na Monte Zaru, na Verudi, u Šijani, područjima koja su bila okružena prekrasnim zelenilom. Imale su više soba, balkone, tavane, okućnice, parkove, fontane. Sve je to trebalo održavati, a budući da su te familije bile dobrostojeće imali su i svoje sluge. Ustroj prapovijesnog naselja grada nalazio se i na puljskom brežuljku. Zapuštena puljska obala kroz povijest, izvan svojih gradskih zidina, nije se počela dodatno nasipavati. Stvaranjem novih prometnica i proširivanjem same obale, koja je pokušala pratiti svaki korak srušenih zidina, uspjelo se sačuvati puljske utvrde, fortifikacije, vile i ostale građevine. Primjer je ljepota današnjih zidina koje se nalaze u Flaciusovoj ulici, 1855. niknulo je još devet novih građevina, iako one danas ne postoje: jedna na sjevernom uglu Ulice Porta Stovagnaga, jedna na uglu Augustovog prolaza i Flaciusove ulice, pet na potezu Flaciusove ulice do Prolaza sv. Nikole, do današnje zgrade uprave Brodogradilišta Uljanik, i dvije podignute na građevnom pravcu Flaciusove ulice ispred pošte. Od cijeloga grada, najviše vila ima na Verudi koja je bila u tadašnje vrijeme glavni kvart. Ostali kvartovi u kojima se nalaze vile su sam centar grada, u neposrednoj blizini Monte Zara te Kaštela, Stoja, Vidikovac i Šijana. U vilama su živjeli časnici, visoko obrazovani, arhitekti i inženjeri. Danas su te vile zapuštene, neke su prodane familijama koje su ih renovirale jer im je to bilo prijeko potrebno. No uvijek su lijepe i na jedan način Puli daju raskoš koja kao grad to i zaslužuje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Pula is one of the rare examples of a Roman city which opposes the more common orthogonal planning of ancient Roman cities. The streets of Pula used to be defined by predetermined schemes, and Austrian officers had their beautiful villas built there in the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The villas were erected one after another, and the aforementioned officers used to spend their leisure time at the palace known today as the House of Croatian Defenders (Dom Hrvatskih Branitelja), attended by the city elite for entertainment purposes, since it used to be a casino at the time. Trams were also not an uncommon sight back in those days – most could be seen in the vicinity of the Istrian Ciscutti theatre and the present-day neighbourhood of Giardini. Hills were the area preferred to build multiple floor villas, provided with backyards, attics, parks and fountains: the villas were thus usually surrounded by a beautiful green area. Such villas required a lot of maintenance, so the families who resided there used to have their own servants. On top of the Pula hill, remains of an ancient settlement could also be found. Throughout history, the neglected coastline of Pula hasn't been additionally embanked. By creating new roads and by expanding the coastline itself, which tried to wind around the destroyed walls, the town succeeded in preserving its forts, villas and other significant buildings. Nowadays, an example of the beautiful remains of the city walls can be found in Flacius street, where nine new buildings were erected back in 1855, however they do not exist anymore.: one at the northern corner of Porta Stovagnaga street, one at the intersection of Augustus passage and Flacius street, five on the relation from Flacius street to St. Nicholas passage (next to the present-day Uljanik administrative building), and two in the vicinity of the post office. The majority of Pula's villas can be found in the neighbourhood called Veruda, which at the time used to be the main part of town. The rest of them can be found in the city centre itself, near Monte Zaro, and in Kaštel, Stoja, Vidikovac and Šijana. The inhabitants of those villas were mostly highly educated people: officers, architects and engineers. However, today, those villas are neglected, sold to the families who have renovated them because the buildings desperately needed it. Either way, they have managed to retain their beauty which gives Pula a certain luxurious touch, which Pula as a city deserves. |