Sažetak | „Art terapija u likovnim aktivnostima u vrtiću“, tema ovog rada, započinje samom definicijom art terapije, ali i njezinom podjelom, što čine: glazboterapija, terapija plesom i pokretom, simbolizacija tijelom, likovna ekspresija, dramatizacija, psihodrama i biblioterapija. Naime, art terapija se može pronaći pod različitim terminima kao što su terapija igrom, ekspresivna terapija, kreativni susret ili kreativni trening, terapija crtežom i sl. Definicija art terapije se može sažeti kao „integrativni, dubinsko psihološki i hermeneutički pristup koji obuhvaća uporabu različitih elemenata umjetnosti s ciljem unapređenja zdravlja i bržeg oporavka pojedinca“. Nadalje, u razvoju art terapije i njezinim korijenima, kojoj počeci sežu čak i u doba šamanizma, spominju se tijekom godina mnogi psiholozi koji su imali utjecaja na razvoj art terapije. Neki od njih su bečki psihijatar Hanz Prinzhorn, britanski umjetnik Adrian Hill, švicarski psiholog i psihijatar Gustav Jung, zatim psihologinja Margaret Naumburg, pa čak i Sigmund Freud.
Nakon toga spominju se modeli za razumijevanje art terapije. Prvi od njih je model kontinuirane ekspresije, čiji su začetnici Kagin i Lusebrink. Postoje četiri razine tog modela, senzomotorno-kinetička, perceptivno-afektivna, kognitivno-simbolička te kreativna razina. Ostali modeli su: model predstavljanja i model kreativne osi, koji također ima podjelu. Dijeli se na sljedeće faze: faza kontakta, faza organizacije, središnja tema, elaboracija i očuvanje.
Likovna terapija u odgojno-obrazovnom radu s djecom je također segment koji je povezan sa art terapijom, a zatim i načini rada koji u art terapiji mogu biti od individualnog pristupa do grupnog pristupa. Crtež u dijagnostici ima vrlo bitno mjesto u dijagnosticiranju i terapiji osoba s psihičkim poremećajima, prema stručnjakinjama Dulčić i Kondić. U takvoj dijagnostici pomažu i faze dječjeg likovnog razvoja: faza črčkanja/šaranja, faza osnovnih oblika, faza početnih shema i ljudskih oblika, faza razvoja vizualne sheme i faza realizma. Tema, koja je nezaobilazna kad se govori o art terapiji, je i simbolika boja, ona također može pomoći u dijagnostici. Još jedna nezaobilazna stvar su psihoterapijski pristupi, a spomenuti su oni dr. Violet Oaklander i dr. Damira de Zana, a postoje i drugi.
Na kraju, u primjeru iz prakse temeljenom na vlastitom iskustvu u dječjem vrtiću, prikazan je jedan od mogućih načina primjene segmenata iz art terapije u vrtiću koji je omogućio djeci izražavanje vlastitih strahova i osjećaja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | "Art therapy in art activities at preschool," is a theme of this work which begins with definition of art therapy, and its division, which includes: music therapy, dance and movement therapy, body symbolization, artistic expression, dramatization, psychodrama and bibliotherapy. Namely, art therapy can be found under a variety of terms such as play therapy, expressive therapy, creative meeting or creative training, therapy drawing, etc. The definition of art therapy can be contracted as "an integrative, deeply psychological and hermeneutical approach that includes the use of various elements of art with the aim of improving the health and faster recovery of the individual." Furthermore, in the development of art therapy and its roots, whose origin dates back even in the era of shamanism, has been mentioned over the years by many psychologists who have had an impact on the development of art therapy. Some of them are Viennese psychiatrist Hanz Prinzhorn, British artist Adrian Hill, the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung, then psychologist Margaret Naumburg and even Sigmund Freud.
Then are mentioned the models for understanding of art therapy. First of them is a model of continuous expression, whose originators are Kagin and Lusebrink. There are four levels of the model: sensorimotor-kinetic, perceptual- affective, cognitive- symbolic, and creative level. Other models are: model of representation and model creative axis, which also has a division. It is divided into the following phases: contact phase, phase of the organization, central theme, elaboration and conservation.
When it comes to educational work with children, art in school is also a segment that is associated with art therapy, and then the modes in which art therapy can be found: as an individual approach or a group approach. Drawing in the diagnosis has a very important place in the diagnosing and treatment of people with mental disorders, according to the experts Dulĉić and Kondić. In such diagnostics children's art development phases could help: phase of doodling / decorating, stage of basic shapes, the initial phase of the scheme and of human forms, stage of development schemes and phase of visual realism. The theme that is unavoidable when talking about art therapy is the symbolism of color, it can also help in diagnosis. Another unavoidablle
thing is psychotherapeutic approach, said dr. Violet Oaklander and dr. Damir de Zan, and there are also others of the same opinion.
Finally, a practical example, based on my own experience in preschool, shows one of the possible ways of application segments from art therapy in preschool which enabled the children to express their fears and feelings. |