Abstract | Josip Juraj Strossmayer bio je đakovački biskup, prosvjetitelj, hrvatski političar te veliki mecena obrazovanja, kulture i umjetnosti. Ovaj velikan rođen je u Osijeku 4. studenog 1815. godine. Cijeli svoj život posvetio je obrazovanju i vjeri. Sa samo svojih 20 godina postaje doktor filozofije, a pet godina kasnije i doktorom teologije. Kao student se počinje zanimati za politiku i ulazi u hrvatski politički život podupirući stavove Narodne stranke. Nakon nekoliko godina bavljenja politikom postaje i vođa Narodne stranke koji se zalagao za ujedinjenje slavenskih naroda u zajedničku državu. Strossmayer je svojim djelovanjem ostavio veliki trag u obrazovanju, kulturi i znanosti. 8. rujna 1850. postaje đakovački biskup. Tijekom svog biskupskog djelovanja napravio je nekoliko vrlo važnih stvari, osim zalaganja za bosanske franjevce puno je djelovao po pitanju položaja vjernika, sudjelovao je u uspostavi Hrvatske crkvene pokrajine, a kako bi okrunio svoje biskupsko djelovanje započeo je raditi na ideji gradnje velebne katedrale. Mnogi biskupi prije Strossmayera imali su istu želju, a to je gradnja velebne sakralne građevine kako bi zabilježili svoje djelovanje, ali samo je biskupu Strossmayeru zamisao i uspjela. Godinama je istraživao, učio i putovao kako bi skupljao ideje i našao najveće stručnjake za gradnju svoje povijesne katedrale. Imao je velike ideje i htio je da njegova katedrala bude nešto još neviđeno. U svim svojim zamislima je i uspio jer je njegova katedrala postala svojevrsni svjetionik ne samo grada Đakova nego i cijele Slavonije, a smatra se najljepšom katedralom od Venecije do Istanbula. Građena je u kombinaciji romaničkog i gotičkog stila dvaju bečkih arhitekata Karla Rösnera i Friedricha Schmidta. To je trobrodna građevina izgrađena u znaku latinskog križa, a tu simboliku bitno označava i obogaćuje raspored slika i freski. Po uzdužnoj se gredi prostiru freske starozavjetnih motiva, a po poprečnoj gredi novozavjetnih motiva. Ukupni troškovi za gradnju iznosili su 1,2 milijuna forinti, a zanimljivo je to da ništa od toga novca nije dodijelila država nego je gradnja financirana isključivo od sredstava Stolnog kaptola, Đakovačke biskupije i samog Strossmayera, naravno treba i napomenuti da su manjim dijelom sudjelovali i vjernici svojim dobrotvornim prilozima. Oprema katedrale sačuvana je sve do danas. Da je vječno htio biti povezan sa svojom katedralom govori nam i to da je u samoj kripti katedrale sahranjen njen graditelj i „čuvar“ Josip Juraj Strossmayer, a koliko mu je katedrala značila najbolje opisuje rečenica koju je izgovorio nakon završetka njene gradnje: „Pogledajte ju kako je lijepa. Eno rubina kojeg je Bog meni, a ja njemu poklonio.“ |
Abstract (english) | Josip Juraj Strossmayer was the bishop of Đakovo, enlightener, a Croatian politician and a great patron of education, culture and art. This great man was born in Osijek on November 4th, 1815. He devoted his entire life to education and faith. At only 20 years old, he became a doctor of philosophy, and five years later, a doctor of theology as well. As a student, he became interested in politics and entered Croatian political life, supporting the views of the People's Party, which advocated the unification of the Slavic people into a common state. With his action, Strossmayer left a big mark in education, culture, and science. On September 8th, 1850, he became the bishop of Đakovo. During his episcopal career, he did several very important things, in addition to advocating for the Bosnian Franciscans, he worked hard on the position of the believers, participated in the establishment of the Croatian Ecclesiastical Province, and to crown his episcopal ministry began working on the idea of building a magnificent cathedral. Many bishops before Strossmayer had the same desire, and that was to build a magnificent sacral building to record their work, but only bishop Strossmayer's idea succeeded. For years, he researched, taught, and traveled to gather ideas and find the greatest experts to build his historic cathedral. He had great ideas and he wanted for his cathedral to be something never seen before. In all his ideas, he succeeded because his cathedral became a kind of lighthouse not only for the city of Đakovo, but for the whole of Slavonia, and is considered the most beautiful cathedral from Venice to Istanbul. It was built in a combination of Romanesque and Gothic style by two Viennese architects Karl Rösner and Friedrich Schmidt. It is a three-nave building built in the sign of the Latin cross, and this symbolism is significantly marked and enriched by the arrangement of paintings and frescoes. Frescoes of Old Testament motifs are spread along the longitudinal beam, and New Testament motifs along the transverse beam. The total construction costs amounted of 1.2 million forints, and it is interesting that none of that money was allocated by the state, but the construction was financed exclusively from the funds of the Stolni Kaptol, the Diocese of Đakovo and Strossmayer itself, of course, it shoud be noted that the smaller part was also attended by believers with their charitable contribustions. The equipment of the cathedral has been preserved to this day. That he always wanted to be connected with his cathedral is also told by the fact that its builder and ''guardian'' Josip Juraj Strossmayer was buried in the crypt of the cathedral, and the sentence he uttered after its construction best describes how much the cathedral meant to him: ''Look at it, how beautiful she is. There is a ruby that God gave to me and I gave to Him. |