Abstract | Jedno od najvažnijih povijesnih razdoblja za Buzet i njegovu okolicu bilo je razdoblje vladavine Republike Sv. Marka. Mletačka Republika ovim je prostorom vladala od početka 15. stoljeća pa sve do kraja 18. stoljeća, gotovo 400 godina. Ovaj rad razrađuje povijesna događanja Buzeta i njegove okolice od 16. do 18. stoljeća. Ta stoljeća vrlo su bitna jer su oblikovala budućnost Buzeta i njegove okolice. Početkom 16. stoljeća izuzetno važna utvrda Rašpor biva razorena, a rašporski kapetan, glavna vojna osoba odgovorna za mletačku Istru, premješta se u Buzet. Dolaskom kapetana u Buzet stvara se i Rašporski kapetanat, obrambeno područje koje je zamišljeno spriječiti neprijatelja u daljnjem napredovanju. Rašporski kapetanat sastojao se od četiriju kaštela, središnjeg Buzeta i lokalnih pograničnih kaštela Draguća, Roča, Huma te dva veća sela, Vrha i Sovinjaka. Tako je početkom 17. stoljeća Rašporski kapetanat stavljen na kušnju. Neprestanim trzavicama između Mletačke Republike i kuće Habsburg, ali i neprestanim sukobima u Istri oko granica, dolazi do Uskočkog rata. Rat je to gerilskog tipa, temeljen na iznenadnim prepadima i paležima. Ovaj sukob, potpomognut zaraznim bolestima i glađu, odnio je polovicu broja stanovnika na poluotoku te je na duži niz godina uništio ekonomiju poluotoka. Razdoblje 18. stoljeća obilježeno je mirom i gradnjom i osjetnim padom moći nekada moćne vladarice mora. |
Abstract (english) | One of the most important historical periods for Buzet and its surroundings was the period of the rule of the Republic of St. Mark. The Venetian Republic ruled over this area from the beginning of the 15th century until the end of the 18th century, for almost 400 years. This work elaborates on the historical events of Buzet and its surroundings from the 16th to the end of 18th century. These centuries are very important because they will determine the future of Buzet and its surroundings. At the beginning of the 16th century, the highly important fortress of Rašpor was destroyed and the Rašpor captain, the principal military figure responsible for Venetian Istria, relocated to Buzet. With arrival of the captain in Buzet, the Rašpor captaincy was created, a defensive area designed to prevent further enemy advancing. The Rašpor captaincy consisted of four castles, the main one being Buzet and the local border castles of Draguć, Roč, Hum, as well as two larger villages, Vrh and Sovinjak. So, at the beginning of the 17th century, the Rašpor captaincy was put to the test. Continuous friction between the Republic of Venice and the House of Habsburg, as well contain ongoing in Istria over the borders, leds to the Uskoks` war. Guerrilla type of war based on sudden raids and arson. This conflict, aided with infectious diseases and famine, killed half of population of Buzet region and devestated the penisula`s economy for many years. The period of the 18th century in Istria was marked by peace, construction, and significant decline the power of the once mighty ruler of the sea, ultimately by her existence. |