Title Usporedba različitih linija proizvoda poduzeća Milka
Title (english) Comparison of different product lines the company Milka
Author Veronika Tomšić
Mentor Dražen Alerić (mentor)
Committee member Ariana Nefat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lenko Uravić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2016-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Pakiranje je jedan od elemenata vizualnog identiteta, a u vrijeme današnjih samposlužnih trgovina zasigurno i jedan od glavnih elemenata. Visual s kojim se korisnik susreće i koji privlači njegovu pažnju, pruža korisniku potrebne informacije o proizvodu i brandu na temelju čega korisnik stvara dojam o samom proizvodu, brandu i u konačnici odlučuje hoće li kupit proizvod. Važnosti i uloga koju pakiranje nosi sa sobom, odnosno funkcije pakiranja glavninom su sadržane u zaštiti proizvoda, praktičnom rukovođenju proizvodom, u informiranju potencijalnog i stvarnog kupca te u prodaji proizvoda korisniku. Vizualnim identitetom poduzeće nastoji stvoriti vlastitu prepoznatljivost koristeći grafički dizajn koji se sastoji od loga, simbola i boje likovi koji međusobno trebaju biti povezani jer vizualnim identitetom poduzeće komunicira s javnošću. Potencijalni korisnik mora shvatiti prenesenu poruku jer upravo on uspoređuje proizvod s konkurencijskim markama (s kojima proizvod mora biti u skladu odnosno mora pratiti trend), mora prepoznati marku odnosno o kakvom je proizvodu riječ i na posljetku odlučuje o tome hoće li kupiti proizvodili ne. Iako je izdvojena kao zasebno poglavlje, marka ili brand važan je element vizualnog identiteta. Marku definiramo kao naziv, izraz, dizajn, simbol ili bilo koja druga značajka koja pridonosi da se neka prodajna roba ili usluga razlikuje od robe ili usluge drugoga proizvođača. Pobuđuje emocionalnu vrijednost na temelju koje se korisnik opredjeljuje za svoj brand i u konačnici odlučuje o kupnji određenog branda. Može se reći da je brand odnosno marka glavni element uspješne prodaje proizvoda i razvoja tvrtke. Milka je vizualni identitet gradila godinama i na dugogodišnjoj tradiciji, a od samoga početka veliki značaj pridodaje privlačenju kupaca markom i vizualnim identitetom. Proizvodni splet Milke ističe se ljubičastom bojom koja prekriva više od 70% pakiranja svih proizvoda. Postala je njezina zaštitna boja, te joj je omogućila tržišnu prepoznatljivosti jedinstvenost. Na lijevoj strani ili u središtu pakiranja svake proizvodne linije nalazi se naziv branda istaknut bijelom bojom s kojim je usklađen lik i logo poduzeća ljubičasta kravica Milka. Kroz analizu vidjeli smo napredak u funkciji pakiranja i dizajnu koji prolazi kroz povremeni redizajn. Od samoga početka dizajn pakiranja ispunjavao je sve funkcije, ali prije svega naglasak je stavljen na prodajnu funkciju. Odabirom ljubičaste boje koja simbolizira moć, luksuz, ambiciju, plemstvo, kreativnost i tajnovitost, nazivom marke koji je lako zapamtljiv, pa sve do loga koji se do dana današnjeg zadržao na liku Kravice farmera Barry-a iz samoga početka Milka povijesti i tradicije jasno je vidljiv naglasak na prodajnu funkciju pakiranja.
Abstract (english) Packaging is one of the key elements of visual identity, especially in modern-day. One of the elements is visual, the first one which consumer encounters and the one which is drawing his attention, gives him the information about the product or a specific brand, and in the end helps him decide whether to buy the product or not. The importance and the role of packaging is visible mainly through product protection, product handling and through providing the necessary information to a potential and a real buyer, which eventually leads to product selling. Using visual identity, a particular company is trying to become recognizable, mainly through graphic design consisted of logo, symbols and colors all of which should be mutually connected since these are the elements through which company communicates with the public. It is necessary for a consumer to receive the message so he would be able to recognize a specific brand or a specific product and to distinct that particular product from other brands a she is the one deciding whether to buy it or not. Although defined as a separate element, brand is one of the key parts of visual identity. It is defined as a name, term, design, symbol or any other element which enables a particular merchandise or service to be distinguished from any other. It can represent an emotional value which is important for a consumer in determining what would be his brand and is important in a final decision regarding product purchase. It can be concluded that brand is a key element of successful product selling and is important in the development of every company. Milka build its own visual identity for many years which was mainly based on a longtime tradition, and from the start, the company was building a recognizable brand and gave a great importance to its visual identity. Milkas products are distinguished from others by its purple color covering more than 70% of all products and this remarkable color enabled the company s products to be recognizable and unique on the market. On the left side of package of every of their products a white colored brand name is placed to which a unique logo of a purple colored caw Milka is harmonized. Through products analysis, a progress in packaging function and design was visible as the products were undergoing an occasional re-design. From the beginning, packaging design achieved all of its functions but the emphasis was placed on sale function mainly. Choosing a purple color which represents power, luxury, ambition, nobility, creativity and secrecy, with easily memorable brand name and all the way to the remarkable brand logo, which is to this day kept the character from the very beginning, "Milka" history and tradition, is clearly visible emphasis on the function of the sales packaging.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:650215
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Business Informatics Course: Marketing Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-02-17 10:03:24