Abstract | Djetetov govor važno je njegovati od samoga početka te se kroz ovaj rad mogućnost dramskog izričaja prikazao kao odličan alat za komunikaciju između odgojitelja i djeteta isto kao i djece međusobno. Kroz različite načine djeca su imala mogućnost sudjelovanja u stvaranju predstave, kroz zabavu i igru što je djeci najbliži oblik učenja.
Kroz uvodni dio rada, proučilo se kako se govor razvija, koje su početne govorne etape, koji su simptomi usporenog razvoja govora te kakav utjecaj zaostajanje govora ima na daljnji djetetov cjelokupni razvoj. Zatim se naznačilo koliko različiti čimbenici imaju utjecaj na razvoj govora, poput okoline u kojoj se dijete nalazi, kretanje samog djeteta, izlaganje prirodnom svjetlu, razgovaranje, čitanje, utjecaj razvoja fine motorike, te naposljetku utjecaj i samog odgojitelja na djetetov razvoj govora.
Sljedeća stavka ovog rada bio je dramski izričaj, odnosno kako različiti segmenti dramskog izričaja utječu na razvoj djetetova govora. Tako smo se dotakli nekih od elemenata dramskog izričaja poput slikovnice, lutke, glazbe, likovna umjetnost i pokret.
Glavni sadržaj ovog rada bila je izvedba aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću gdje su se ukomponirali prethodno navedi elementi dramskog izričaja u cijeli proces učenja i stvaranja kroz igru. Djeca su imala priliku iskusiti stvaranje i izvedbu predstave za koju su prethodno izradili sve potrebne rekvizite. Svakako bi se iz provedenih aktivnosti moglo zaključiti da dijete uči kroz igru i stvaranje, razvijanje svoje kreativnosti, promatranju sebe i drugih te na taj način ne razvija se samo govor već i ostali čimbenici koji su potrebni za kvalitetan rast i razvoj djeteta. |
Abstract (english) | It is important to nurture the child's speech from the very beginning and through this work the possibility of dramatic expression has been presented as an excellent tool for communication between the educator and the child as well as the children with each other. Through different ways, children had the opportunity to participate in the creation of the show, through fun and play, which is the closest form of learning to children.
It was studied how speech develops, what are the initial speech stages, what are the symptoms of slow speech development, and what impact lagging speech has on the child's further overall development. It was then indicated how much different factors have an impact on the development of speech, such as the environment in which the child is located, the movement of the child himself, exposure to natural light, talking, reading, the impact of the development of fine motor skills, and finally the influence of the teacher’s himself on the child's speech development.
Further-on, how different segments of dramatic expression affect the development of the child's speech. So, we introduced some of the elements of dramatic expression such as picture book, doll, music, fine art and movement.
The main content of this work was the performance of activities in the kindergarten where they incorporated the previously listed elements of dramatic expression into the whole process of learning and creating through play. The children had the opportunity to experience the creation and performance of the show for which they had previously created all the necessary props. It could certainly be concluded from the activities carried out that the child learns through play and creation, developing his creativity, observing himself and others, and in this way not only speech develops, but also other factors that are necessary for the quality growth and development of the child. |