Title Suradnja javnog i privatnog sektora u turizmu
Title (english) Cooperation between public and private sector in tourism
Author Ana Martić
Mentor Danijela Križman Pavlović (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Benazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman Pavlović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Erik Ružić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turizam je stekao status jedne od najmasovnijih, najdinamičnijih i najsloženijih društveno-ekonomskih pojava suvremenoga doba, zadire gotovo u sve sfere društvenog i gospodarskog razvoja općenito, a međusobno djeluje kompleksno i komplementarno te je duboko inkorporiran u tijekove svakidašnjeg života sveobuhvatnog društva. Uz ekonomsko značenje, turizam je postala i popularna aktivnost većine ljudi u razvijenom svijetu, a uz to je i najbrže rastućih grana svjetske ekonomije. Turizam je također od velike važnosti za nacionalno gospodarstvo, ukratko turizam pozitivno utječe na zaposlenost u zemlji, BDP, investicije, pozitivan imidž zemlje u prezentiranom svijetu, utječe na kulturni razvoj itd. Veliku ulogu u samom razvoju turizma ima i suradnja javnog i privatnog sektora, čija je suradnja na ovom području neizbježna. Javno–privatno partnerstvo generalno označava suradnju tijela javne vlasti i privatnog sektora, a sve kako bi se zadovoljile određene potrebe javnosti. Svaki od partnera ima određene odgovornosti, preuzima razne vrste rizika, ali i ostvaruje različite koristi. Javni sektor ne može sam zadovoljiti rastuće potrebe za uslugama pa s obzirom na to treba potporu raznih sektora iz društva. Ekonomska efikasnost javno-privatnog partnerstva u turizmu ovisi o tome jesu li javno-privatna partnerstva uistinu prava, što podrazumijeva povećanje opće društvenog blagostanja te ovisi o tome da li se može društveno opravdati primjenom istog metodološkog postupka kao i u slučaju javno-privatnih partnerstva u sferi opskrbe tržišta javnim dobrima.
Abstract (english) Tourism has acquired the status of one of the most massive, dynamic and complex socioeconomic phenomena of the modern era, it penetrates into almost all spheres of social and economic development in general, and permeates each other in a complex and complementary manner and is deeply integrated into the everyday life of a comprehensive society. In addition to its economic importance, tourism has become a popular activity for most people in the developed world, and it is also one of the fastest growing branches of the world economy. Tourism is also of great importance for the national economy, in short tourism has a positive effect on employment in the country, GDP, investments, a positive image of the country in the presented world, influences cultural development, etc. Cooperation between the public and private sectors also plays a major role in the development of tourism itself, and their cooperation in this area is inevitable. Public-private partnership generally means cooperation between public authorities and the private sector, all in order to meet certain needs of the public. Each of the partners has certain responsibilities, assumes various types of risks, but also realizes different benefits. The public sector cannot meet the growing needs for services alone, so it needs the support of various sectors of society. The economic efficiency of public-private partnerships in tourism depends on whether public-private partnerships are truly right, which implies an increase in general social well-being, and depends on whether it can be socially justified by applying the same methodological procedure as in the case of public-private partnerships in the sphere of supply public goods markets.
javno – privatno partnerstvo
Keywords (english)
public-private partnership
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:151067
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-09-30 16:57:18