Abstract | U radu je prikazan razvoj automobilske industrije i dijagnostičkih sustava, dan je opis popratnih alata za vršenje dijagnostike, uspostavljena je poveznica između održavanja i dijagnostike. Prikazane su najosnovnije vrste održavanja, teorijski je opisan pojam automobila i njegova struktura. Navedene su prednosti i mogućnosti dijagnostičkih sustava kao takvih. Objašnjen je tok i postupak dijagnostike, dan je uvid u suvremenu dijagnostičku tehnologiju i njen razvoj od početka pa do danas. Objašnjeni su OBD-II standardi, veze i komunikacijski protokoli u vozilu te njihovo funkcioniranje. Objašnjeni su kodovi grešaka, njihovo značenje i postupak iščitavanja. Ponuđeni su različiti načini za brisanje grešaka iz vozila, te je dan prikaz temelja zaslužnih za uspješnu dijagnostiku. U praktičnom dijelu rada prikazan je postupak provedbe dijagnostike na vozilu VW Passat, napravljena je analiza greške popraćena mogućim uzrocima nastanka kao i samim simptomima, pojašnjen je postupak mikro lociranja uzroka problema, detaljno je prikazan otklon kvara, te brisanje same greške iz memorije vozila nakon otklona kvara. Također je objašnjena i primarna funkcija predmetnog dijela na kojem se kvar dogodio kao i različite varijante za otklon istog kvara. Za kraj je napravljena cost-benefit analiza ostvarene uštede pomoću korištenog dijagnostičkog alata. |
Abstract (english) | This paper presents the development process of the automotive industry and diagnostic systems, as well as a description of accompanying tools for performing diagnostics. At the same time, a link between maintenance and diagnostics was established. In the paper, at the beginning, the term car and its structure are theoretically defined, the most basic types of maintenance are presented, and the advantages and possibilities of the diagnostic system are listed. Since the subject of the research was automotive diagnostics, the flow and procedure of diagnostics were explained, an insight into modern diagnostic technology and its development from the beginning to the present day was given. In the paper, OBD-II standards, connections and communication protocols in the vehicle and their functioning are explained. The error codes, their meaning and the reading procedure were analysed, and at the end, different ways of erasing errors from the vehicle were offered. Based on the research of the relevant literature, the basis of the platform for successful diagnostics was presented. In the practical part of the paper, the procedure for carrying out diagnostics on the VW Passat car is presented, and an error analysis was made, accompanied by the possible causes of its occurrence as well as the same symptoms. The paper explains the process of micro-locating the cause of the problem, shows in detail how to correct the error, and how to delete the same error from the vehicle's memory after the error has been corrected. In the process of investigating the problem, the primary function of the subject part where the malfunction occurred was explained, as well as different variants of eliminating the same malfunction. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis of the achieved savings was made using the chosen diagnostic tool. |