Abstract | Pula, grad povijesti stare 3000 godina, bio je pod vlašću Austrougarske Monarhije. Monarhija je grad od 1.000 stanovnika dovela do grada s gotovo 60.000 stanovnika, koji može konkurirati ostalim europskim urbanim gradovima. Od 1850. do 1918., kada je Pula pripala Italiji, modernizacija i urbanizacija grada, prvenstveno gradnjom Arsenala, dovela je do značajnog rasta broja stanovnika.
Grad se širio u dvije faze. Prva faza je trajala od 1850. do 1875., dok je druga trajala od 1875. do 1918.
Gradnja pomorskog Arsenala, smještenog u Pulskom zaljevu, privukla je veliki broj radnika u Pulu. Počinju se razvijati okolni dijelovi grada, te u neposrednoj blizini Arsenala nastaju četvrti Zaro i Sv. Polikarp.
Četvrt Sv. Polikarp smatrala se gradom, često nazivana i Nova Pula, zbog svoje infrastrukture i sadržaja, te samog uređenja.
Zaro se nalazi na usponu iznad Pule, te se upravo u toj četvrti razvio Hidrografski zavod, na mjestu nekadašnjeg rimskog kazališta, čijim se kamenjem izgradio Hafenkastell arhitekta Antoine de Villea.
Postankom glavne austrijske ratne luke, Pula je morala razmišljati o obrani grada, te se počinju graditi fortifikacije. Fortifikacije su izgrađene u tri prstena, uz samu obalu, u vanjskim dijelovima grada, te treći prsten koji je obuhvaćao Brijune, Valturu i Vodnjan. Grad broji više od 300 fortifikacija.
U drugom proširenju, grad je počeo poprimati pravi izgled urbanog središta, te je od 1888. do 1898. izgrađeno 734 novih zgrada.
Modernizaciji i poboljšanju kvalitete Grada najviše je pridonio Ludovico Rizzi, tadašnji gradonačelnik Pule, koji je bio usmjeren na gradnju vodovoda, kanalizacije, popločenje ulica, te je zaslužan za izvođenje brojnih drugih projekata.
Grad se nastavio širiti, pa su nastajale nove četvrti, dalje od samoga centra, danas poznatih pod nazivana Šijana, Gregovica, Kaštanjer i Monvidal.
U rezidencijalnom dijelu Verudi gradile su se luksuzne, arhitektonski jedinstvene vile za dobrostojeće stanovništvo, generale i admirale, kojima je Pula vrvjela.
Osnovano je i Bagno polese 1886., predviđena građevina za rekreaciju. Nalazila se u blizini Arsenala sve do 1914., kada se otvara veće i ljepše kupalište na Valkanama.
Većina građevina izgrađena tijekom vlasti Austrougarske Monarhije danas je u upotrebi, te još uvijek svojim impozantnim izgledom privlači pažnju. |
Abstract (english) | Pula, a city whose history is more than 3000 years old, was once under the rule of the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy. During its rule the town that numbered a population of less than 1,000 grew into a city of 60,000 inhabitants that could compete with other European cities. From 1850 until 1918, after which Pula became part of Italy, the modernization and urbanization of the city, primarily with the construction of the Arsenal, brought a rapid rise in the population. The city enlarged in two phases. The first phase lasted from1850 until 1875 while the second lasted from 1875 to 1918.
The marine Arsenal, situated in the bay of Pula, attracted a large workforce to Pula. The areas adjacent to the Arsenal started to develop, namely the neighbourhoods of Zaro and Sv. Polikarp. The Sv. Polikarp quarter was considered part of the city and was often called New Pula because of its infrastructure, its features and its architectural design.
Zaro is a quarter that sprung up on a rise above Pula where the new Hydrographic Institute was built on the site of an ancient Roman theatre. The stones from the Roman theatre were used to build the Hafenkastell – the Castle - in the centre of Pula by the architect Antoine de Ville.
Once it became the main Austrian navy harbour the city needed to be defended and so fortifications were built. The fortifications were built in three rings. The first ring was erected near the coast, the second on the outskirts of the city and the third ring included the Brijuni Islands, Valtura and Vodnjan. There are over 300 fortifications in and around the city.
During the second growth phase Pula started to get the look of a real urban centre. From 1888 to 1898 734 new buildings were built.
Ludovico Rizzi, who was the Mayor of Pula at the time, contributed the most to the modernization of the city and to the improvement of its quality by commissioning the construction of the waterworks, the wastewater system and the paving of the streets. He also commissioned many other projects in the city.
Pula continued to enlarge so many new districts grew away from the centre. Today they are known under the names of Šijana, Gregovica, Kaštanjer and Monvidal.
Veruda, Pula’s residential area, was reserved for luxurious, architecturally unique villas for the wealthy, like generals and admirals of the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy, which lived numerous in Pula at the time.
The first bathing resort called Bagno Polese was established in 1886. It was built near the marine Arsenal until 1914 and the opening of a second, bigger and more attractive bathing resort - Valkane.
A large number of structures built during the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy are still being used and still attract attention with their impressive architecture. |