Sažetak | U radu se istražuje odnos medija, društva, odgoja i obrazovanja. Kako bi se dao što detaljniji uvid u utjecaje koji mediji imaju na društvo, odgoj i obrazovanje, uvodno je istražen pojam medija te su kroz povijesni razvoj medija prikazana obilježja okruženja u kojem su se mediji razvijali. Poseban značaj u razvoju medija imao je tehnološki razvoj. Mediji utječu na promjene u društvu, što je posebice vidljivo u 20. i na početku 21. stoljeća, razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Analizom uloge medija u svakodnevnom životu djeteta daje se uvid u učestalost i količinu korištenja medija u ranom djetinjstvu, ali i predškolskom i školskom razdoblju djeteta. Također je dan pregled istraživanja koja ukazuju na povećanje količine i učestalosti korištenja medija tijekom posljednjih godina, kao i na povećanje udjela djece koja su već u vrlo ranoj dobi izložena utjecaju medija, posebice televizije i Interneta. Podaci ukazuju i na sve veći utjecaj društva na razvoj djeteta putem medija. U radu se, nadalje, ukazuje na rizike i opasnosti koje mediji imaju na razvoj djeteta, ali i na njihove pozitivne učinke. Također su istaknute preporuke roditeljima i edukatorima za korištenje medija. Mediji su sastavni dio suvremenog društva i svakodnevnice čovjeka. Upravo zato je važno naučiti djecu kako se koristiti medijima, a odrasle kako iskoristiti pozitivne strane medija u odgoju i obrazovanju djece. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The media shape man's everyday life by acting on his thinking and attitudes. The core features of the media and their role in contemporary society are, in this part of the final work, the etymology of the term "medium" and historical overview of media development. There are different media that transmit information. These are: 1 newspaper (graphical media), radio (one-way auditory media), television (two-dimensional audiovisual display media) and new media - computer or intelligent machines for higher information processing (a synergistic new media that synthesizes almost all individual media and serves by their principle of comparative advantage). Information technology has resulted in the emergence of new media. When it comes to the meaning of the media in the everyday life of a child, then it is mainly thought to school children, but it is necessary to point out that children with media are already dating from the earliest age, indicating the need to research their meaning in the everyday life of pre-school children. Society changes under the influence of technological development, which also affects the daily life of children. New technologies are becoming more and more important factor in leisure time, learning, and the widest observed, everyday life of children. The media have a strong influence on public opinion, shape and transmit social behavior, influence the acquisition of ethical and moral values, form life attitudes, styles and identity. The effects that media have on the daily life of children can be stimulating, but they can also have harmful consequences. The effects that the media have are not the same for all children. For example, viewing some media content may have a negative effect on younger children, girls and children of certain characteristics and children of a particular social context, but that same media content must not necessarily have a negative impact on other children. The media work on the socialization of children, and children from the media learn and adopt individual behaviors, but also the whole behavior scenarios in certain situations. The child can use the behavior he has adopted from the media and apply it to the situation he first found, which is similar to that of media content. The media, apart from having a negative impact on the development of a child, can affect its development positively.
Positive impact on the child's developmental thinking have audiovisual content intended for the education of the child, specially designed children's programs, documentary and educational programs. Such programs can contribute to the intellectual development of the child. It is recommended that children up to two years should not watch television at all. Namely, the first two years of life are critical to brain development. By the sixth year of the child, learning is of utmost importance through one's own activity. Children in the third year imitate what they see on television. It is especially important for children to develop self-esteem, because only safe and self-confident children can easily respond to the challenges they face by using the media. Media can be very useful in educating children and young people, and given that they are inevitable in modern society, it is necessary to learn to use all their benefits and to reduce and / or eliminate negative effects. |