
The Golden Age of British Detective Fiction: Women Authors
The Golden Age of British Detective Fiction: Women Authors
Korina Karlović
The detective story is a story in which the main interest is a puzzling crime and the process of solving it. The Golden Age of British crime is usually considered to cover the two decades between the First and Second World Wars. The writers of the Golden Age were as varied as their talents. The majority of detectives in the Golden Age were men. In general, women characters were sidekicks to the dominant male hero, serving either as friends or love interests, or both. One reason for the...
The Influence of Haiku on American and British Poetry
The Influence of Haiku on American and British Poetry
Jana Budimir
The exchange between Eastern and Western cultures has been significant in literature and art, particularly through poetic forms such as the haiku, which emphasizes brevity and uses seasonal words to express the beauty of the moment. This form has inspired Western poetry movements, such as Imagism and the Beat movement, as well as individual Western scholars and haiku writers like Ezra Pound, Richard Wright, and Jack Kerouac in America, as well as R. H. Blyth in Britain. The great four haiku...
The Lives of Tudor Women in History and Literature
The Lives of Tudor Women in History and Literature
Lara Bratičić
Cilj rada pod naslovom The Lives of Tudor Women in History and Literature je formiranje temeljnog znanja o ključnim trenucima u životima žena iz tudorskog razdoblja. Namjena rada je proučavanje tih trenutaka iz kronološke perspektive, od djetinjstva do starije dobi. Proširujući polje istraživanja na ženske likove koje se pojavljuju u komedijama i tragedijama koje je napisao William Shakespeare, uspjela sam proširiti shvaćanje o tome što je značilo biti žena koja je živjela u...
The Occult Theory in the Elizabethan Age and Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
The Occult Theory in the Elizabethan Age and Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
Borna Tomić
The aim of this thesis is to define and explore the different aspects and philosophical approaches of the occult theory in the Elizabethan age. Along with this, it demonstrates how the theatre of the age developed and how it was influenced by these approaches. The main focus of the thesis is Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. It is a tragic play written in the 16th century by Christopher Marlowe. The plot revolves around the titular character of Doctor Faustus as we follow his journey...
The Symbolical World of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Symbolical World of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Ines Hercigonja
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s novel written by the American author L. Frank Baum at the turn of the 19th century. Some people believe that the book was not written as a simple children’s story but as an allegory of the political happenings at the time, and that it contains hidden symbols that, when interpreted in a certain way, give the story a deeper meaning. Despite the numerous implications about the meaning behind the story, it became an instant success catapulting Baum...
The absurd as reflected in the time, language and characters of S. Beckett's Endgame.
The absurd as reflected in the time, language and characters of S. Beckett's Endgame.
Romina Rabak
This thesis examines how Samuel Beckett’s iconic play Endgame depicts his character’s struggle with existential questions, such as the overwhelming sense of despair and hopelessness. Within the context of Theatre of the Absurd, Endgame represents a profound reflection on the human condition. The study examines the interplay of time, language, and characters to reveal the existential absurdity. It also examines the character’s experiences of fear, particularly in the context of their...
The influence of Buddhism on the Beat Generation: Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
The influence of Buddhism on the Beat Generation: Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
Valerija Mandir
This paper emphasizes the influence Buddhism has on the works of the Beat Generation writers, especially Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. It begins with highlighting some of the most important Buddhist treasures such as bodhisattva and dharma (dharma stands for ultimate truth), which are crucial for understanding the paper and their work. Beatniks can be seen as outcasts of Buddhism, because through their actions they violated the traditional rules of the religion, even though they...
The wonderful wizard of Oz: Levels of interpretation
The wonderful wizard of Oz: Levels of interpretation
Marina Blažević
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an American children’s novel, written by L. Frank Baum during the Victorian Age in the 1900. However, there have been many speculations about Baum’s actual intention when writing the story of Oz, indicating that the story itself is actually a clever allegory about the political happenings around the nineteenth century. Over the years, various theories about the book have been made, mainly focusing on the political and social aspects of the allegory. The...
Thomas Robert Malthus i njegov doprinos ekonomiji
Thomas Robert Malthus i njegov doprinos ekonomiji
Ivana Obrovac
Thomas Robert Malthus je bio poznati britanski ekonomist i filozof 18.stoljeća. Najpoznatiji je po svojim pesimističnim prognozama rasta populacije. Malthusovo najpoznatije djelo 'Esej o stanovništvu' je objavljeno 1798. i tamo je predviđao da će tamošnji rast stanovništva nadmašiti proizvodnju hrane. Malthus je upozoravao da su potrebne određene mjere kako bi se izbjegla bijeda i siromaštvo. Smatra da ljudi mogu povećati proizvodnju hrane samo teškim metodama poput...
Timesharing u pravu u turizmu
Timesharing u pravu u turizmu
Edis Behlulović
Rad ne sadrži sažetak.
Timski rad: važnost emocionalne kompetencije
Timski rad: važnost emocionalne kompetencije
Nina Jovanović
Tim i timski rad postali su neizostavni elementi poslovanja organizacija u 21.stoljeću. Dinamika poslovanja proizašla iz globalizacije i digitalizacije zahtjeva timove višestrukih znanja i vještina koji mogu odgovoriti na zahtjeve složenih projekata. Tim je visokoproduktivna skupina osoba koja zajednički radi na ostvarenju zajedničkih ciljeva ili jednostavno zajednica zadovoljnih ljudi. Timskim radom ista skupina ljudi postiže više od iste skupine koja timski ne radi te su stoga...
Tirena Marin Držić
Tirena Marin Držić
Mirjam Mustapić
Ovaj završni rad obrađuje temu pastirske komedije jednog od najupečatljivijih pisaca hrvatske renesanse književnosti 16. stoljeća, Marina Držića. Pronašavši odgovarajuću povijesnu podlogu i književnu shemu, krenuo je pisati djelo koje će biti okidač njegova uspjeha. Odlike njegove autentičnosti su posebnosti kojima je oblikovao svoje djelo. Naime, nije stao na dobro poznatoj priči koja čini temelj pastirske književnosti; idilična priroda gdje žive pastiri i satiri,...
